Thursday, June 19, 2008

Democrats......craven lunatics!

In the United States of America, when an elected official comments that the government should seize private companies in order to control the means of production, it might be time to look for somewhere else to live.....

Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), member of the House Appropriations Committee and one of the most-ardent opponents of off-shore drilling had this to say....

"We (the government) should own the refineries. Then we can control how much gets out into the market."

Where in the Constitution is the government granted the right to take over a private industry? The government has regulated the airlines from time to time and regulated the communications industries from time to time but never, that I know of, has it seized ownership of otherwise private companies. How stupid are these democrats that they haven't learned anything from Venezuela's example. Hugo Chavez nationalized the oil refineries there, immediately plunging his country into poverty, food shortages, and general misery. Of course that's the kind of nation soulless democrats fantasize about for Americans Democrats don't see the gas-price issue as a crisis, they see it as an opportunity to seize more power than they've ever enjoyed in US history. The more miserable our lives, the more we'll depend on assholes like Henchey for everything.....and that's exactly how they want it.

This is the object of Democrat's lust. They want to control the life-blood of the US economy and the trillions in wealth it produces.


  1. They have no right to do this, and it actually represents the antithesis of what America is. This woman is proves that the democrats have a very short plan to changing America into a socialist or fascist or communist government.

  2. Actually Maurice is a dude but, Maxine Waters is a chick and she said the same thing in the Senate hearings two weeks ago. Unbelievable! If two prominent democrats are willing to even float an idea like this, then how many more of them are secretly thinking it. When Obama takes control of the Executive branch and the dems have a solid majority in both Houses of Congress, they could actually pull this off.

  3. I don't see how they can actually have the authority to. How on earth did America let this become a possibility. America has gotten along fine for 200 years with the policies we have in place. Why would the democrats want to mess with that. When Obama gets elected, and people see the Hell America has to go through, maybe some Americans will wise up, and learn democrats aren't interested in the well being of America.
