Saturday, April 19, 2008

What's in Ed's CD player?

It's been a while but reader Tom suggested we do a round of "What's in Ed's CD player?" in one of the threads from this past week.

Well, I know you've been sitting in your cramped cubicle, gas-guzzling SUV, or gym-that-plays-Muzak for you soccer moms, and you've been thinking, I need some new notes to listen to. And you've caught yourself wondering a lot lately, I wonder what that Ed has been listening to." Well, I've been listening to an eclectic mix of classic and new. Check it out...

From 1990, GoodBye Jumbo by World Party

From 1996, Songs in the Key of X--the X-Files soundtrack

From 1994, A Different Story by DeadEye Dick

From 1997, A-Sides by Soundgarden

From 2004, Resolution by BoDeans

From 1993, Siamese Dream by Smashing Pumpkins

From 2002, One by One by Foo Fighters

From 1982, The Nightfly by Donald Fagen

From 1989, Rio Momo by David Byrne

So there it is. It's mostly older stuff but there's not a lot of new stuff I'm really into right now.

Leave your own collection listed in the comments thread so the rest of us can make fun of you for it.


  1. Ed, You are the first person in a long time who not only knows World Party but actually has GoodBye Jumbo. I heard it at a party, never heard of them before. THen bought the CD and probably sold a dozen CDs the same way.

  2. Yeah, I'm a big fan of WP....since college.

  3. Iron Maiden, Frank Zappa, Metallica, Allman Brothers, Rush, The Who, and Led Zeppelin

  4. Ed,
    I'm to cheap to listen to "bought radio" so I'm a slave to the broadcast airwaves...what's left of them. The Atlanta stations proffer an indecipherable collage of crap with few exceptions. XM (or satellite) radio has taken it's toll on all the local radio stations to the point they are almost unrecognizable to me any longer as they claw at each other to retain a shrinking share of the market. The formats are scrambled and much, if not all, the new music is crap. (Think Austin Powers's pronunciation of the word “crap”.) So, as a prescription for this ailment I've returned, after twenty plus years, to country music. If you can stomach the country twang – some of which I find humorous, think John Anderson's “Swingin” - you'll find many references to a good America albeit a romantically dishonest one as many are 'back-door” scenarios of marital deceit. And some of those cheatin' songs are just plan sad as I contemplate the true hurt a situation like that can really inflict.

  5. Picked up a gem of an album today.

    Outlandos d'Amour, The Police.

    Drumming is spectacular, and well the rest of the band is great as usual. Lyrics are profound, and unique. Ed, I know, will be proud.

  6. Nothing's wrong with country my friend. And you're right, free radio pretty much bites as they clone each other in search of market share.
