Thursday, April 03, 2008

Red pill or blue pill?

I know the whole Why-are-gas-prices-so-high question is a very complicated amalgam of economics, politics, culture, and perception. I've tried to explain it in as simple terms as I can but I fear some of you may still be buying the MSM's and democrats' version of eeeeevil oil companies swindling the American consumer. So, you can choose to believe the comfortable lies that you hear in the agenda-driven media and from craven politicians, or you can educate yourself, open your eyes and see the truth, even though it might be discomforting. So here are some quotes from today about oil prices, from other people way smarter than me....

...But it’s a sign of how far down the rabbit hole we’ve gone that an American business is having to justify success. I don’t care if the oil companies’ profits are 6000%. It’s a free market. If you don’t like big corporate profits, stop buying their *$@#*%$@ products. ---Hal @ rightthinking

The political hacks made a big deal about the huge profits these oil companies made over the past few years. All of this posturing was a sham .. and the politicians knew it. They also knew that most of the people who would watch them deliver their big oil smack down on TV wouldn't know a profit from a profit margin if their next six-pack and their big screen TVs depended on it. ---Neal Boortz

There are several factors that explain today's high prices. There has been a huge surge in demand for oil as a result of rapid economic growth in China and India, as well as in the United States. Another factor is the under-exploration. ---Walter E. Williams

Why, it's almost as if I know what I'm talking about.

p.s. A virtual cookie to anybody who gets the reference in the title of this post.


  1. valley of the dolls

  2. the matrix. c'mon anon! the matrix is officially an american movie classic. At least its played on AMC now.

  3. Kevin gets a cookie.

  4. Kevin gets a cookie, but loses points for describing "any Keanu" movie as a classic. If AMC plays it its only 'cause somebodies paying them to.

  5. Joe shoots.....and scores.

  6. i dont think its a classic either, thats why i said "At least its played on AMC now."

  7. You said "the matrix is officially an american movie classic". Since there is no true way to determine if any movie is a "classic" , except by opinion, that was yours. Now you are changing it. It's okay to think that a stupid movie is a classic. I love the 3 Stooges and think their films and "shorties" are classics, yet many people think that I am crazy for this opinon. I am okay with your staement I just disagree. If you don't believe then either don't say it or don't print it.
