Monday, April 28, 2008

N.I.M.B.Y....Seattle style

I absolutely love when smug liberals get fish-slapped by their own policies....especially smug, Seattle liberals....

Many residents in Seattle's affluent Magnolia neighborhood are fuming over plans to house homeless people near Discovery Park at soon-to-be-closed Fort Lawton.

At one community meeting, some residents wondered whether homeless housing at the fort would attract wife-beaters, sex offenders and crack addicts. They rolled their eyes when city officials asserted that such housing increases property values. They worried about the impact on schools and scoffed at the idea of homeless people shopping at the closest grocery — which sells pheasant-and-rosemary pâté for $9.99 and ground coffee for up to $18 a pound.

"We're the ones who live here, and we want to have a nice, safe neighborhood to live in," Donald Raz, a King County deputy prosecutor and Magnolia resident, said later.

Like most affluent neighborhoods in Seattle, Magnolia doesn't have any housing for homeless people mainly because land is too expensive for social-service agencies to buy.

Well heaven forbid that a stuck-up, white-bread, silver-spoon democrat has to gaze upon a dirty, unwashed homeless dude while she shops for pate' and gormet coffee. It's real simple. These latte liberals up in Seattle want to house homeless criminals in everybody elses neighborhoods, but never in their own. All that rich, white guilt gets manifested as methadone clinics, half-way houses, and city-owned project homes, not to mention pan-handling, degeneracy, and crime in the neighborhoods of us little the rich liberals can feel good about themselves.

I sincerely hope this housing project succeeds. Seattle's rich deserve it.

Seriously? $18 a pound for coffee? People who pay that much for coffee absolutely deserve to have homeless dudes urinating on their front porches or trying to feel up their snooty wives on a regular basis.


  1. This is an issue I can see both sides of. One the one hand, those people paid alot of money to live where they do and don't want homeless people in their backyards. Also, homeless people in general don't try in life, and perhaps have the tendency to commit crimes. On the other hand, these people probably could learn some selflessness by maybe taking in a couple of the homeless people and helping them get back on their feet.

  2. This is an issue I can see both sides of. One the one hand, those people paid alot of money to live where they do and don't want homeless people in their backyards. Also, homeless people in general don't try in life, and perhaps have the tendency to commit crimes. On the other hand, these people probably could learn some selflessness by maybe taking in a couple of the homeless people and helping them get back on their feet.

  3. This is an issue I can see both sides of. One the one hand, those people paid alot of money to live where they do and don't want homeless people in their backyards. Also, homeless people in general don't try in life, and perhaps have the tendency to commit crimes. On the other hand, these people probably could learn some selflessness by maybe taking in a couple of the homeless people and helping them get back on their feet.

  4. This is an issue I can see both sides of. One the one hand, those people paid alot of money to live where they do and don't want homeless people in their backyards. Also, homeless people in general don't try in life, and perhaps have the tendency to commit crimes. On the other hand, these people probably could learn some selflessness by maybe taking in a couple of the homeless people and helping them get back on their feet.

  5. Sorry that posted so many times, I dont know what happened.

  6. All right, Kevin dives in with the rare quadruple post.

    My criticism is of neither the rich for not wanting the dregs living in their neihborhood, nor of the homeless for being homeless. It's of the hypocrisy of the rich for shunning the "urban outdoorsmen" in their own backyards while lecturing the rest of us that we should take them into ours.

    I don't have a problem with taking them in or keeping them out either way. There's a valid argument to be made on both sides, but it's typical of liberals to tell others to make a sacrifice they are unwilling to make themselves.

  7. I would never pay $18 per pound for coffee! But seriously, this is another example of the overall general liberal mentality of"fix the problem of the less fortunate in our society." only it is in their own backyard.

  8. And they are mad about it. Its easy to deal with crappy ideas like this as long as they are elsewhere,but in ones neighborhood and all of a sudden its time to rethink the position. I say too bad to the smug elite Magnolia dwelling coffee drinkers.
