Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Bad Americans

I read this on the net yesterday, and thought it was provocative enough to pass along. Hope it strikes a chord with you. I don't agree with all the points, but many are on target. Please comment/argue/fight/ shout..... at least read it.

Yes, I'm a bad American! I am the Liberal-Progressives worst nightmare. I am an American. I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not some liberal governmental functionary be it Democratic or Republican! I'm in touch with my feelings and I like it that way. I think owning a gun doesn't make you a you a killer, it makes you a smart American.I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, and it does entitle you to anything. I believe that if you are selling me a BIG MAC, that you should do it in English.I believe everyone has a right to pray to their God when and where they want. My heroes are John Wayne, Babe Ruth,Roy Rogers and whoever canceled Jerry Springer. (NOW if they can just get rid of the spin/knock offs). I don't hate the rich, and I don't pity the poor - just because. I know wrestling is fake, I don't waste time watching or arguing about it. I've never owned a slave, or was a slave. I haven't burned ant witches or have been persecuted by the Turks and neither have you, so shut up already!! I believe that if you don't like the way it is here, go back to where you came from and change it there. This is America. If you were born here and don't like it you are free to move to any socialist country that will have you. (As an aside, we can probably gather money to help you along). I want to know which church it is exactly where the Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton preach. Where do they get their money? Why are they always part of the problem and never part of the solution? I think that the police have every right to shoot your sorry rear if you are running from them, I also think they have the right to pull you over if you're violating a law, regardless of your ethnicity. No, I don't mind having my picture on my drivers licence. I think it's okay, and I am also proud that "God" is written on my money. I think that if you can't figure out how a ballot works, then I don't want you helping decide who should run this country. I dislike people standing in the road trying to sell me stuff or trying to guilt me into making a donation. I think it takes to parents to raise a child, not a .75 donation. It takes entire villages like this to make decent civilizations. I believe that illegal is illegal - regardless of a lawyers interpretation. I believe the American flag should be the ONLY FLAG allowed in this country. It should also be dealt with appropriately and by the U.S. Flag code, not some local politicians whim to lower it on odd Tuesdays in some month or for some stupid kid that was drinking and driving that got killed. If all of this makes me a bad American, then I am one. I want my country back and hope you do too!


  1. I have one problem with this whole passage. Instead of all of those things making you a bad American, they should just make you an American.

  2. I think that you found the gem in the writing, Kevin. This guy is just saying that most people view this type of American as bad, 'cause their either conditioned by or a member of the liberally-biased media. Teddy Roosevelt would be proud of this author.

  3. ried and kevin, I have never seen you but I am willing to bet that you are white, male, xenophobic, statist, WASPs. you cannot handle people who are different than you. nobody objects to most of what you wrote about, but your need to state forcefully what most people simply agree on, reveals your nationalistic, closed minded attitude. it is gung-ho, rah-rah homers like you who personify the term "ugly american".

    do you really believe that cops should shoot somebody in the back for running? and do not try to hide behind---but I didn't write this. you posted it, defend it.

  4. Anon - What's wrong with being nationalistic?

  5. Welcome back to the fray Anonymous. I have missed your acerbic takes and your liberally biased slant. I am white, or at least I have been for the last 49 years. Not that that has any bearing, period or on the topic. I am trying to figure out how one would be a WASP without being white? or if not possible, why you chose to mention white twice then in your supposed description of me. I did not state anything forcefully, just merely passed along a thought stream I found to be entertaining and interesting. I hoped for discussion. I am not close minded. I am a man that researches issues before formulating opinions. I don't judge people simply by their color, and don't try to trivialize others on that basis either. If I personify this "ugly American" then bully for ugly-Americans. I disagree vehemently with a few of the statements, but I also agree with many of them. Instead of trying a personal attack, lets discuss the issues put on the table. Or are you incapable of hat?

  6. reid, I am very capable of hat. in fact, I wear a leather fedora regularly.

    what makes you think I am liberal? the constitution set up our system to deal with a changing, dynamic population with changing ideas. if our culture and society evolve over time, it is only because the constitution allows it to. nobody is doing anything illegal or underhanded to subvert the process. the changes may not be what you like, but just because you don't like change doesn't make change wrong. if you do not like what is happening, then elect different people. that is how it works. look at the list of things you complained about. how many of them are unconstitutional? if the answer is zero, then why are you complaining?

    you and other commenters obviously have an over-idealized image of america since you probably live in cloistered, communities named Stepford or somewhere.

  7. Thanks for pointing out my typo. I previously overlooked yours as you misspelled my name, but tit for tat. I live in a regular neighborhood.It does not have a name nor is it cloistered. Again I didn't complain or argue about anything. You keep trying to put this propaganda on me. I am not eloquent enough to create a list like that -nor would I care to. I love this country, I love it because, as you say, it constantly is changing. I don't mind change. I don't particularly care for some of the facets of politics played out in the country (ex. illegal immigrants being granted immunity regardless of race and country of origin), but I deeply love this country. I would fight to protect our way of life and while I don't smoke or own a gun, I will fight for your right to own/do either. I love they way you throw insults around as inuendo. I welcome your retort. I hope we can move past mistyping and misspelling issues. I have tried to recheck and verify accuracy of same, but still I am at work, and have distractions. I must earn a living so I can drive my old beat up car back to my ungated 1970's ranch style neighborhood. Et vu?

  8. Actually, police were allowed to shoot nonviolent fleeing felons until 1985 (See Tennessee v Garner. Too bad the police aren't allowed to do that anymore, in my opinion, but I'm willing to say that that was the only part of the post that was "unconstitutional".

  9. "I want my country back and hope you do too!"

    Reid, the struggle between competing groups is what makes this country different from every other "democracy". you represent fervently nationalistic, gun-toting, religious, suburban, white people, but that doesn't describe everybody, thank goodness. you say that people who don't like it here should leave and change some other country, but change through the political process is what this country is all about. if it's a change you approve of, then you would be all for it.

  10. Anonymous: You keep putting these words into my mouth. You are wrong, they are not my words, I can tell you that again. While I agree with some of the sentiments espoused, I disagree with others. Please quit stating my opinion for me without consulting me to find out what my opinion truly is. Please also don't assume that I am a "nationalistic, gun-toting, religous, suburban, white person." You know zero about me. I don't presume to know anything about you, I have a sense of your opinions and ideas, but that is all. You and I tend to disagree on political issues, and on other facets as well. You hide behind a Nom-de-plume, while I am willing to debate and attach my name to my scribbles. I will remind you that I didn't pen the words printed, I only reprinted them for this blog. I hope you will respect that and quit attacking me for someone elses words. If you want to attack me, I have other blogs covered that are solely mine.

  11. Anon, the beauty of this country, is that you can choose to be whatever you want to be. This whole post was to point out the little flaws with this great country. Never in the post did it say that the person that wrote this was white. You assumed it was. People who make assumptions such as that are the reason why there is a struggle between races. People who are not nationalistic should probably consider living elsewhere. Nationalism founded this country, and if you didn't know that, well the public school system failed another child. You say Reid represents the gun-toting people. He does, but he is not a gun-toter, as he said. The constitution actually represents gun-toting people, since one of the rights is the right to bear arms. Or did the public school system fail you there as well? Religious... well thats pretty vague, which religion. Reid represents people who are not atheists? Suburban.... You managed to rule out urban people and rural people. There are lots of holes in your "argument." How about this, you write a comment that begins

    Yes, I'm a bad American! Then give us your explanation as to why. Oh, and don't forget to end it with If all of this makes me a bad American, then I am one.

  12. my point captains america, was to point out that there is nothing wrong with loving your country and what it stands for, but wearing your nationalism belligerently on your sleeve is a little off-putting. it is a little too rah rah and unwelcoming. i just think rants like the one you posted reflect badly on america and confirm the image of america as an increasingly closed, unwelcoming, and protectionist society. we should be doing the opposite.

    ps-as far as i can tell, i'm the only anonymous poster here so relax. you could be making up the names reid and kevin so what difference does it make? i'm not hiding behind "anonymous" any more than you are exposing yourself by using the name "reid".

  13. Dear Anonymous: You are not the only person hiding under the aforementioned name. I have seen "anonymous" used a number of times here at TRR, and feel that you weren't behind the other posts. I also am not exposing myself. I resent your unflattering remark, however, I will stay above board and not stoop to the gutter and retort.

    Regardless of any disagreement, I will strive to maintain the high road.

  14. Dear Anonymous: You are not the only person hiding under the aforementioned name. I have seen "anonymous" used a number of times here at TRR, and feel that you weren't behind the other posts. I also am not exposing myself. I resent your unflattering remark, however, I will stay above board and not stoop to the gutter and retort.

    Regardless of any disagreement, I will strive to maintain the high road.

  15. reid, when i used the term "exposed yourself", i meant it as in "revealed your identity, became vulnerable, or unconcealed yourself", not "flashed your sex organs". good grief, stop ogling the amanda beard page on eds poll question and get YOUR mind out of the gutter.

    if you people are more comfortable arguing against a name rather than ideas, then call me bert.

    and just so you know "reid and kevin" is a perfect anagram for "i never add ink". makes you wonder doesn't it?

  16. I will admit it, Bert, it takes a man with either a high IQ, too much time on their hands, or an autistic savant to come up with that. Very Nice!

  17. Bert said: "cannot handle people who are different than you"

    Our hard earned money is taken to hire ESL teachers because the adults in a family make no effort to learn the language. I don't think anyone cares if they can't speak English -but don't expect provisions - especially at our (working American's) expense. At our local school, the computer lab sits empty because the teacher was taken from that and is now being used for ONE student who has been in the country for five years and still can't speak English.

    You can't see why people "rant"?

  18. i am against multilingual education too, and ranting about that issue is perfectly reasonable, however; this post of reid's that he's now distancing himself from, sounds a little like a battle cry. "i want MY country back". whose country would that be? white people? republicans? that statement of possession reveals more about the author and poster than they meant to reveal.

    p.s. if you replace "2" with "to", a perfect anagram of freedom2learn is "a remote fondler". i wonder what sigmund freud would say about that, not to mention the authorities?

  19. Bert: You again attribute someone else's comments to me. Ihave not answered Ed's poll question. A user named Joe Camel did. As i told you, if and when I comment, I sign my name.

    I will restate my objection to your choice of words. I have not stepped into the gutter, you did by trying to degrade me, so listen to your own advie.

  20. reid, i did not degrade you. you leapt to a wrong conclusion about my benign choice of phrase. as far as the post goes, you posted the thing so it must have struck a chord with you.

  21. Bert: I have been on the Beard site regularly. She's hot. Leave me out of your fight. I have nothing to do with it and frankly, think you are more closed minded than anybody else that posts here. Anytime you respond it is with venom and or malice. Try to develop a less confrontational style. By the a I liked you better as "anonymous". Bert sounds like a Muppett.

    And before your snap at me, I came up w/ the Joe Camel logo/idea years ago so I can use it with pride.

  22. "I read this on the net yesterday, and thought it was provacative enough to pass along. Hope it strikes achord with you. I (notice the use of a singular possevive pronoun referring to myself) don't agree with all the points, but many are on target."

    How can I distance myself from something that I didn't write or completely agree with? You may be correct in your battle cry assumption, I don't know. I posted to stimulate a discussion, period. The post surely has done that, so my thought worked.

  23. joe i mentioned amanda beard, not your name. reid dragged you into it, you can thank him. better a lovable muppet than a cartoon animal cunningly designed to get children hooked on cancer sticks. you use it with pride? a smoker? good luck with that emphysema.

  24. As an ad man I don't get to pick and choose my clients, especially ones that pay extremely well. FYI the character was designed to soften the approach of the brand not to attract children, but to create awareness with the female side. It was changed in the second run through to a more "suggestive "approach for both sexes. It did a remarkabley good job of creating brand awareness and switching as it was intended. I don't smoke. I also don't use many of the pharmacuticals that I have worked campaigns on.

  25. i do not know how you mercenary types sleep at night. you sound like a tobacco lawyer rationalizing the fact that even though you successfully seduced millions of people into using your dangerous, addictive product, because there is no law against it, that makes it ok. how would you feel if the booze industry hired smarmy pitchmen to seduce your kids to start drinking with colorful, athletic, youthful, sexy ads? i bet you would not appreci....oh wait.

  26. Hey Bert. It is not the responsibility of the company to keep kids from smoking and drinking. It is the responsibility of the parents. When parents to pay enough attention to their kids, or just don't give a rip about what they are doing, that is parenting failing a child. Don't ever assume that a company making a good advertisement is doing something immoral. They are trying to make money, thats what a business does. Never, ever, blame someone other than the parents, or teachers (since they are teaching them), for bad kids. Bad kids are the direct result of bad parents. Furthermore, don't say that the tobacco companies are seducing people into buying their product. If people cared about their bodies, they wouldn't smoke. Its that simple.
