Friday, March 07, 2008

There will never be peace in the Middle East

I'm sure you saw this atrocity...

Eight people have been killed and nine wounded by a Palestinian gunman who infiltrated a Jewish seminary in West Jerusalem, Israeli officials say.

The attack is the worst of its kind in Israel for a number of years.

The White House has led international condemnation but the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas called the attack "heroic" while not claiming responsibility.

The Palestinians, for the most part, are vile, loathsome, bloodthirsty savages. Or as John Hawkins over at RWN said, they're like Nazi's but without the ingenuity and productivity. They celebrated in the streets when these students were slaughtered. When Israel left Gaza to the Palestinians, complete with food markets, green houses, and comfortable living structures, the Palestinians promptly did what they always do, they trashed it, reducing it to worthless desert land. These people don't know how, nor desire, to be civilized.

I know what you're thinking. But Ed, Israel has killed Palestinian civilians too. Why don't you attack them?

Because Israel only attacks the Palestinians in retaliation for something they did first. Israel doesn't shoot rockets into Palestinian territories, or stage suicide bombings against civilians. Israel only wants to be left alone on her little plot of desert. The Arabs occupy 99.4% of all the Middle-East. You'd think they would accomplish more with it besides selling oil to the West, exporting terrorism, and killing Jews. And all the pageant contestants in the world can call for peace in the middle east but until one side wins, there will never be any. Isreal should once and for all, defeat the Palestinians with swift brutal military action....only then will there be peace.


  1. "Because Israel only attacks the Palestinians in retaliation for something they did first."

    Like occupying their country?

  2. Wrong you are, Scotty.

    There hasn't been any plot of land named Palestine since the mid-16th century. There was only recently a "Mandate for Palestine" by the British in the early 1900's. Actually Jordan is where Palestine should be...not Israel. Why don't you whine about that? Oh, that's right, all the strife in the middle east is the fault of the eeeeeviiil Jooooos. I forgot.

  3. If you want to look at it from a religious standpoint, long before the Islamic religion was even practiced, the Jews inhabited Israel. And I completely agree with why we should keep the Palestinians from occupying Israel. They show no effort to running a nation. Their former leader, if you would call him that, sat back, enjoying his money, while his people ran free around the world reeking havoc on developing nations. Giving them their own homeland would be like giving a kid with ADHD more sugar.
