Friday, March 28, 2008

Required viewing

We all know what happened to Theo van Gogh in Holland when he made a movie critical of the Religion of Peace....he was stabbed to death by a Muslim. Geert Wilders, another Dutch film-maker, made a short movie called Fitna which warns of the Islamization of western democracies and of radical Muslims' willingness to commit unspeakable crimes as commanded by the Qaran, in order to realize their destiny of world domination. With shocking imagery and straightforward commentary, he exposes Islam, as it's practiced today, as the radical cult it's practitioners have turned it into. Predictably, the government in Holland is terrified of the hundreds of thousands of practicing Muslims who will surely burn the country down if this movie is shown on Dutch TV. So it may be available for a limited time as the US government may ban it also so as not to offend our Muslim community.

This is the movie in it's entirety. It's only 15 minutes long but worth the time investment. I warn you, there are some very disturbing images and video clips so clear the kids out of the room and be prepared.

UPDATE: Freedom2learn found this link since Liveleak removed their copy of the movie.


  1. Apparently they removed the video, but I did find it somewhere else.

    Do you believe the majority of muslims are this hateful and extreme? Are you suspicious of all muslims in America?

    If someone made a documentary of bits from Jerimiah Wright, Jim Jones, and the Old Testament and portrayed that as mainstream Christianity it would look pretty bad.

    I don't know enough about islam to have an opinion. But I do find it odd that for all the radicals causing so much grief there aren't many muslims willing to speak out against it. That's the part that gets me.

  2. I think you hit the nail on the head freedom...twice.

    You don't find modern-day Christians, Jews, Moonies, whatever, beheading non-believers.

    Also, when Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jim Bakker or some other "Christian" does or says something outrageous, Christians everywhere immediately denounce and ridicule them for it, pointing out that they do not represent mainstream Christianity. That's something you find woefully lacking with "mainstream" Muslims. Maybe they're afraid of beheading. But then what does that tell you when mainstream Muslims worry about losing their heads for denouncing jihad?

    There are a lot of knowledgeable observers who think that mainstream Muslims secretly support jihad against the West. They enjoy the trappings of freedom and wealth but they aren't upset when a bomb kills 100 non-believers in a market in Spain or they aren't motivated to speak out.

    Am I suspicious of Muslims in my own community? Not in an immediate-threat basis. I don't wonder what they're up to when I see them in Wal-Mart, but in a general sense, if there was a plot, known only in the Muslim community, to blow up a downtown building, I don't think they would say or do anything to stop it. So to answer your question, yes I'm suspicious of them because they never publically denounce jihad against the West.
