Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Obama's do or die speech

This morning in Philadelphia Barack Obama gave a speech about race in America. He wouldn't be giving the speech at all except that the story about his racist preacher Jeremiah Wright grew legs and won't go away. BO is between a rock and a hard place right now. If he claims he never knew about the true white-hating nature of his spiritual Svengali of twenty years, it makes him the dumbest guy on Earth. If he claims that he knew about it but stayed for 20 years anyway, it shows startlingly bad judgement. Both things, stupidity and/or poor judgement make BO wholly unqualified to be CiC. How will he wriggle out of this one?

You know Hillary is sitting quietly somewhere in rapt shadenfreude at this moment. When your opponent is self-destructing, shut up and get out of the way. Meanwhile J.Mac is polling way ahead of either BO or Hillary, so he's enjoying this moment too.


  1. Speaking about the election:


    It's almost as I want the republicans (McCain) to win - just so they can carry the burden of cleaning up the mess themselves.

  2. You'll get no argument from me about the disastrous spending policies of the Bush administration, capt. And our military shouldn't be in half the countries it's in.

    I'm going to challenge you to something about which we might find agreement, capt. If you haven't read it yet, get a copy of the FairTax book and read it. A lively debate about a solution to the problems which Paul Craig Roberts outlines in his article, would be interesting.

    For those of you who haven't checked it out, Counterpunch is a liberal website highly critical of Bush and conservative principles. I'm hoping capt. america reads the FairTax Book and engages me in debate. If you want to join in the fun, and learn something, read it and stay tuned.
