Wednesday, March 05, 2008

It's a blogger's potpourri!

Folks, there's very little worth blogging on today, so we'll hit the high points for now...

Hillary pulled a rabbit out of a hat last night(possibly thanks to Rush), but she didn't get much closer in terms of delegates. It was more of a momentun swing for her going into the back stretch of the primary season. If she can hang on until the convention in August, she and Barack will have spent all their money and generated so much resentment and animosity from each other's supporters, that J.Mac. will have an easy time winning. And hopefully Michelle Obama will get some of the scrutiny she deserves. The more I read about her, the less I like.

John Colemen, the founder of the Weather Channel, is calling for somebody to sue Al Gore for pulling a confidence job on the American people with this whole global warming/carbon credit hoax. He says that if scientists are forced to testify under oath in court, the facts about climate change will come out and the media won't be able to ignore them. If it can be proved that Al Gore knew the date he was presenting was phoney, then selling carbon-credits to stupid people would constitute the crime of theft by deception. It's interesting. I hope somebody does it.

The you-know-what is about to hit the fan in Columbia/Venezuela. Chavez has amassed many batallions of troops along the Columbian border and both countries have recalled their ambassadors. Who say? Ordinarily we wouldn't but Columbia is a strong ally of ours in the war on drugs and we hate Chavez. If Venezuela invades Columbia, I don't know what our treaty agreement with Columbia is, but we may be obligated to defend them. You'd think Chavez would be smarter than to hand over to the US a reason to kill him.

Vapid, Hollywood, glitterpig actors are planning a possible strike for all the same reasons the writers struck. They want more royalties and less conspicuous product placements in thier movie scenes. What those dingbats don't get is that nobody is going to see their boring, preachy movies and it's the product placements that pay for the movie to be made in the first place. ...stupid, preening, narcissists.

No wonder the country is in an economic downturn.....gas prices have hit $3.20 where I live. My wife and I carpool every day that we can but still, that's a big slice of the household budget. We're talking about summer vacations and the price of driving somewhere figures into the decision now, when it didn't before.

The county in which I live just had some if it's municipal bonds downgraded by WallStreet to junk status, that's the next level above bankruptcy. The county managers need to come up with like 120million in equity in a week, to secure the bonds or the creditors can call them in anytime. If the county can't secure the bonds, it goes bankrupt. I guess that means no money for county schools, road maintenance, and other county services....bummer!

Rush Limbaugh is taking some heat today from callers as well as conservative journalists and pundits for advocating suicide voting for Hillary in Texas yesterday. The Clintons are like cock-roaches. You have to kill them dead or you risk them magically coming back to life and eating your birthday cake. Keeping the Clintons alive may be playing with fire. Who knows of McCain can beat either Hillary or Obama but I would never count Hillary out...unless she's out.

Comment on any or all of the stories above or introduce any other topic you like. This is an open thread.

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