Thursday, March 20, 2008

It's Ann Coulter Thursday!

This week Ann distills the race issue down to it's nitty-gritty. She rightly questions the contradiction of blacks constantly imploring us to get past race, all the while perpetuating racial stereotypes. As usual, Ann has the stones to say what most people are thinking but are afraid to say. A must read.


  1. But Ed, you aren't black. You don't understand.
    I completely agree with all Ann had to say.

    People like J. Wright fuel the racial fire.

  2. Yes they do. On the one hand we're told that we must ignore race in every way while at the same time feel guilty for the sins of "white America" of the long past. On the other hand, we're told that we must make provisions for race like affirmative action, set-asides, quotas, and race-based preferences because blacks are still held down by white racism.

    Either we're a color-blind society or we're not. Which is it? According to the race template-----whites must at all times profess color blindness but feel appropriatley guilty for the sins of our fathers. Whites must never criticize a black person or risk being labelled a racist. Whites must insure that proper race-based representation exists in all workplaces regardless of qualification.(this doesn't apply to Hispanics or Asians, only African Americans) Whites must show proper contrition and deference when the "race issue" is discussed publically. It is the responsibility of whites to insure equality of outcomes, equality of opportunity isn't enough.

    Ann is right, how long do we have to marinate in the angry resentment of black people? Freedom, I don't think our grandchildren will live long enough to see that day.

  3. There is resentment among both blacks and whites. Whites blaming blacks for a racist America is completely stupid. 'Marinate in black resentment'? Remember Ann Coulter thinks Jews need to be perfected and the widows of 9/11 are gold diggers. Of course blacks occasionally perpetuate stereotypes, but whites buy into them. Ann Coulter isn't 'gustier' than most people, just waaaay crazier.

  4. anon@4:42,

    I'm not blaming blacks for a racist America, I don't think white racism plays a signficant role in America any more unless you let it. That's not to say, racism doesn't exist, but to say that one doesn't have to be impeded by it unless one allows it.

    We've already discussed the "perfected Jews" issue. It's a sentiment from the bible that Christians believe. Basically that Jews are God's chosen people but until they accept him as their savior, they won't have realized their place in His kinddom, that's all.

    As for the Jersey Girls, Ann is exactly right. They are harpies who seemed to "enjoy" their celebrity as 9/11 widows just a little too much.

    I'm just saying that for the Al Sharptons, Jesse Jacksons, and Jeremiah Wrights of the world, we whites should profess colorblindness and sorrow for racism while treating them preferentially solely because of their skin color. It's a contradiction to me, that's all.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anon
    Whites blaming blacks for a racist America is completely stupid."

    Why is that stupid?
    Are you denying the fact that people like Wright and Sharpton are racists and that their mentality contributes to racism in America?
    Are you denying the double standards and self victimization that is rampant in the black community?

    What would make the "anger" go away? Reparations? HA!
    We can't undo the past. I don't owe anyone anything. I am not personally responsible.

    I grew up in poverty. I admit it is hard to succeed sometimes. I often feel frustrated when I don't know how to get where I'd like to be. But GOD BLESS AMERICA - I'm free to figure it out. I'm not going to sit around feeling sorry for myself - waiting for someone to hand me what I want in life.
    Many of us have obstacles to overcome. Stop the pity party and saddle up.

  7. Saddle up!

    Anon, I believe you just got "pwned" by a chick.

    I'm researching the phenomenon of "black liberation theology" and I will post something about it over the weekend.
