Thursday, March 06, 2008

Home-school ruling could affect nation

We'll stick with the education theme today as a California ruling today sent chills down the spines of parents who home-school their kids. Here's an exerpt of the article but seriously, if you're a parent, you really should be up on this...

A California court has ruled that several children in one homeschool family must be enrolled in a public school or "legally qualified" private school, and must attend, sending ripples of shock into the nation's homeschooling advocates as the family reviews its options for appeal.

The decision from the 2nd Appellate Court in Los Angeles granted a special petition brought by lawyers appointed to represent the two youngest children after the family's homeschooling was brought to the attention of child advocates.

"We find no reason to strike down the Legislature's evaluation of what constitutes an adequate education scheme sufficient to promote the 'general diffusion of knowledge and intelligence,'" the court said in the case. "We agree … 'the educational program of the State of California was designed to promote the general welfare of all the people and was not designed to accommodate the personal ideas of any individual in the field of education.'"

The words echo the ideas of officials from Germany, where homeschooling has been outlawed since 1938 under a law adopted when Adolf Hitler decided he wanted the state, and no one else, to control the minds of the nation's youth.

Wolfgang Drautz, consul general for the Federal Republic of Germany, has said "school teaches not only knowledge but also social conduct, encourages dialogue among people of different beliefs and cultures, and helps students to become responsible citizens."

Specifically, the appeals court said, the trial court had found that "keeping the children at home deprived them of situations where (1) they could interact with people outside the family, (2) there are people who could provide help if something is amiss in the children's lives, and (3) they could develop emotionally in a broader world than the parents' 'cloistered' setting."

If somebody can convince me that forced institutionalization in horrid government schools is Constitutional, I'd like to hear it. I agree that home-schooled student must show that they are learning by taking periodical standardized tests, but beyond that, the government has no right to force your child to attend it's indoctrination centers.

In California, in addition to forcing blind acceptance of the global warming hoax and that America is a hateful country, Nazi-like educators have outlawed the use of terminology like "mom", "dad", "husband", and "wife" in schools because they offend people who practice non-traditional sexual "arrangements". In addition, homosexuals, bisexuals, and trannies are actively recruited to be teachers because to educators, they make good role models and teach the children to be non-judgemental, reject bias, and accept alternative lifestyle choices as normal. I imagine the next step is to teach 3rd graders how to masterbate and put condoms on cucumbers. No wonder parents are yanking their children out of public schools by the thousands.

You can go over to WorldNetDaily and read the whole article.

1 comment:

  1. Disturbing, isn't it?
    No allegations of abuse, neglect or learning deficiencies??
