Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Crying wolf

I'm growing a little tired of overly sensitive minorities crying racism over everything. I'm sure you've seen the cover of Vogue this month on which Lebron James and super-model Gisele pose...

NEW YORK - When Vogue announced its April cover starring LeBron James and Gisele Bundchen, the magazine noted with some fanfare that James was the first black man to grace its cover.

But the image is stirring up controversy, with some commentators decrying the photo as perpetuating racial stereotypes. James strikes what some see as a gorilla-like pose, baring his teeth, with one hand dribbling a ball and the other around Bundchen's tiny waist.

It's an image some have likened to "King Kong" and Fay Wray.

"It conjures up this idea of a dangerous black man," said Tamara Walker, 29, of Philadelphia.

Gimme a break! It's only racist if you choose to see it as such. Why not give it the benefit of the doubt? These people are reacting as if Gisele was holding a chain attached to a collar around James' neck...that would be racist.

If you're going to point around every corner and cry "racism", people are going to stop buying it. Just because a black person poses for a picture with a white person doens't make it racist. What happened to our supposedly color-blind society?


  1. This has become ridiculous. Racism exists because people claim other people are racists. We have become a world of tattlers, three year olds. We cry and whine every time we don't get what we want. We are a nation of wimpy little babies. You disagree with me? Then you don't read the paper, or watch the news, because every day millions of people complain over the smallest little things, such as a picture of a black man with a white woman. When i personally look at that picture, I see two famous physically fit people, who are successful. If you think that the people at Vogue were being racist with this picture, then YOU are the one being racist. YOU noted the stereotypes, which means your eyes look for things like that. Some people these days were coddled way too much as children.

  2. Give me a break. What I see is two very physically fit people, one happens to be a buff guy and the other happens to be a hot super model. Why do we have to see color as a negative component of the picture. I did not even see the whole King Kong thing until the biased media pointed it out. Come on...surely we can give this gifted athlete the credit for knowing whether or not he is being exploited. It is a beautifully artistic picture which shows unity not division.

  3. Anon, you hit it dead on. Well said.
