Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The blame game

African American economist Thomas Sowell pretty much sums up what's wrong with Jeremiah Wright and his divisive, racist, teachings...

While many whites may be annoyed by Jeremiah Wright’s words, a year from now most of them will probably have forgotten about him. But many blacks who absorb his toxic message can still be paying for it, big-time, for decades to come.

Why should young blacks be expected to work to meet educational standards, or even behavioral standards, if they believe the message that all their problems are caused by whites, that the deck is stacked against them? That is ultimately a message of hopelessness, however much audacity it may have.

This, I think, puts in a nutshell the problems facing the black community. If their leaders would preach accountability, personal responsibility, hard work, perserverance and education rather than, all the hardships you face are because white society designed it that way and you cannot overcome them, everything would change in a generation or two. Sadly, human nature prefers the easy way which is blame rather than accountability.

1 comment:

  1. No one in America is willing to accept responsibility for their actions. If hardships occur to you, it is because someone more "fortunate" (i.e. someone that worked harder) put those hardships on you.
