Thursday, February 07, 2008

Suicide voters?

In case you missed it, there's an idea floating around conservative circles in which republicans would vote for Hillary in the general election...these voters call themselves suicide voters. Here's the explanation: Just as suicide bombers give their actual lives for the greater good of Islam, republican voters would vote for Hillary rather than Johnny Mac, effectively giving up their political lives(for that election) for the greater good of the R party. To these people, and I might be included--I haven't decided yet, John McCain as President would do far more harm to the party than Hillary could ever do. The idea is to vote Hillary into office and then get out of the way and watch the Clintons do what they do best, deliver a solid republican majority to the House and Senate two years later in the mid-term elections. If McCain wins, that'll be possibly eight years of a liberal "republican" president shirking the Constitution with the help of liberal, democrat majorities in Congress. To conservatives, that's far more unpalatable than enduring 2 years of Clinton scandals. With a republican Congress and Hillary as President, there will be Washington gridlock for her remaining time in office--and you know how I love Washington gridlock. When there's gridlock in Washington, no laws get passed, when no laws get passed, none of our freedoms and liberties get taken gridlock is good.

So we'll see if Hillary gets the nomination. It looks like Johnny Mac may already have his sown up. If that ends up being the pairing, we'll all have decisions to make in November. It's already been difficult to decide who to vote for in this election, so I wanted to add a wrinkle to compound the confusion a little. Good luck!


  1. Instead of ruining your political stance by suicide voting, why not just not partake in the voting? If it is your reputation you are worried about, I would say not voting is the way to go. Suicide bombing is futile, and I think that suicide voting would be too.

  2. Who said anything about reputations? If I cared about my reputation, I wouldn't publically take some of the stands that I take on this blog. I couldn't care less what people think at the end of the day.

    Suicide voting is at least doing something. Sitting at home is giving up. Why should I compromise what I believe for the sake of party unity? It's the party's and Johnny Mac's duty to return to conservatism, and away from big-spending, open-borders, amnesty, constitutional besmirching liberalism.

    The question is what hastens Washington's return to conservatism faster, 8 years of a liberal arrogant RINO or 2 short years of Clinton scandal? I'll take Hillary any day.

    I'm not declaring that I intend to suicide vote in November, but I certainly see the strategery in it.

  3. I haven't heard about it - but I can see why some people would do it. I don't think I could force myself to do it.

    When people in my area talk about the election they ask "äre you voting for Clinton or Obama?" Some of them don't even know anyone else is running. I'm not kidding.

  4. Who will be the third party candidate? I might vote for him. Or write in Ed's name.

  5. Let me state categorically that I will not now or in the future accept the nomination for republican presidential candidate. Nice thought though.

  6. No ed, i will write you in for the presidential election, not the repub primary
