Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Obama's candidacy serves a purpose

Alert reader Freedom2Learn wrote in with this comment concerning the candidacy of Barak Obama and the politics of race...

Today I saw our governor (PA-Rendell) made a comment about how he thought a lot of people in PA wouldn't vote for Obama because of race. I thought that a few months ago - not anymore.

Right you are F2L. Obama's wins in Iowa and Maine, arguably the "whitest" states around, prove that white racism doesn't play a defining role in American politics any more. Moreover, to the dismay of black politicians and democrats in general, when blacks stop thinking of themselves as members of a group and start thinking of themselves as individuals, the democrat party will forever lose it's stranglehold on the black vote. If Obama's success in "white America" accomplishes nothing else, it'll show blacks that they have nothing to fear from whites such that they need the protection of the democrat party to keep them safe and provide for them. They'll see that Barak and Michelle Obama have gotten famously educated with Harvard Law degrees, become individually successful without help from the government and are wildly popular with plenty of whites. Hopefully we're turning a page in race relations and blacks will start viewing themselves as individuals, not as members of a race collective who must vote democrat to keep the evil republicans at bay.

I disagree with Obama's positions on just about every issue, but his candidacy portends good things for America looking forward.


  1. I truly believe that the majority of racial issues today begins with the "victims." I am by no means a racist, i never have been, but i do think that racism exists because African Americans want it to. Don't agree with me? Look at the Kelly Tilghman incident. Tiger Woods accepted her apology, forgave her, and moved on. Then people like Al Sharpton and Jim Brown came out of their holes and said that it was Tiger's duty as a black man to get angry about this. If that doesn't prove my point, I dont know what will.

  2. I would say that a majority of black people are manipulated by a few self-interested "black leaders" and politicians into thinking that the democrat party heros exist to save them from the republican party villians. The minute black people cease seeing themselves in terms of group identities, and as individuals, those "leaders" lose all their source of power.
