Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nanny State II

You know that partial list, I gave in the previous post, of things the government busy-bodies want to ban or control in your personal lives? Well, add rubber bull's testicles to that list.

A controversial Virginia lawmaker is trying to introduce new legislation to ban rubber testicles from being fitted to the back of trucks.

Lionel Spruill, known for his failed attempt in 2005 to ban baggy pants, says the motivation for his latest idea came from a constituent.

The man complained that he had been left speechless when his six-year-old daughter spotted a pair and asked him what they were.

Truck drivers who sport fake testicles on the back of their vehicles would risk a $250 fine under his proposal.

"They're offensive to some folks," said Mr Spruill, a Chesapeake Democrat. "It's OK to express yourself, but citizens have the right not to be subjected to something vulgar."

...citizens have the right not to be subjected to something vulgar.

No they don't. Where in the Constitution does it say that? People have a right to pursue happiness, and unless you can somehow construe that a brief, visual encounter with rubber testicles prevents that pursuit, then not only are you a sniveling, self-righteous do-gooder who deserves the mockery, ridicule, and scorn of all freedom-loving Americans, but you're a sponge on the American taxpayer.....I mean in worse ways than all politicians are sponges.


  1. "The man complained that he had been left speechless when his six-year-old daughter spotted a pair and asked him what they were."

    I dont know would be a good answer to that girl's question. Or I will tell you when you are old enough. These are the answers I was always given as a child. And it certainly didn't scar me for life or anything. People make the biggest fusses over the smallest little things. Its why people are always so disgruntled.

  2. Here's what I would say to a six year old daughter:

    "Those are called "testicles" like what you see on a dog, or on daddy when you barge into the bathroom shower. They have a little something to do with where babies come from. That guy put them on his truck because he's immature and thinks they're funny. If a man or boy ever touches you in a way that you don't like, I want you to kick his testicles as hard as you can, then run away and scream for help. This will make me very proud of you. Hey look, 31Flavors...let's stop."

    But that's just me.

  3. Well, it is tasteless, but yeah a law would be ridiculous. A few years ago we parked behind a Durango with a a set. My young son asked what they were and I told him it was a butt - he giggled and let it go.

  4. I am opposed to this action. I feel that as cars travel down the well worn rural road paths, many cows, bulls and steers are exposed to these fake prosthetic adornments. Imagine the look on the face of that newly "steered" animal trying to reidentify himself in the herd after his emasculation. This reminds me of the transgendered argument, and although I am not trying to start that again, I feel that the real issue at hand is ignorance. How can someone waste any amount of their money on Bulls Balls or facsimilies thereof. Only in America!! Imagine how much fun it would be to attach these to some "ride" in India, where cows are sacred and watch the horror spread across the faces of the locals.

  5. @bobbyt,

    "I am opposed to this action"

    Are you opposed to the prosthetic bull testicles or the law banning their sale and display?

  6. Both - in more ways than 1.
