Monday, February 25, 2008

Just shut-up and act!

How many boring, meaningless Hollywood awards shows are there now? There are at least 8 that can think of...Oscars, Emmys, Grammys, Tonis, SAG, American Music, Peoples' Choice, etc...the list is long and nauseating. It seems like vapid, Hollywood glitterpigs can't dream up enough excuses to fawn and drool all over themselves and each other. And disappointingly, celebrity-obsessed Americans can't seem to get enough of it. More Americans can tell you the last time Britney exposed her privates than can name the Secretary of State. They can tell you the birth-weights of J.Lo's twins sooner than the world price of a barrel of crude oil. They can tell you their favorite American Idol contestant, but good luck if you ask them to find Canada on a map of North America.

Celebrities' value to me is two-fold....they are fun, easy targets for ridicule, and some of them entertain me when I have nothing better to do, nothing else. Their grandiose "political positions" are vacuous and irrelevant to me and their preachy, arrogant self-importance annoys me. Just because some dumb Americans deify them, they seem to forget that they are nothing but highly paid court jesters. In reality they are pompous, drug-addled narcissists whose opinions are no more or less important than anybody elses. For these reasons I can't watch Hollywood awards shows. I don't care what they're wearing, who they have to thank, or what they have to say. The fact that a movie ticket is like $9 irritates the crap out of me, especially when I know that there's going to be a decidedly leftward political slant in the movie.

Tell me I'm not the only one who couldn't care less about Hollywood awards shows.


  1. The only thing I like to watch is the day after when they rip on the worst dressed. And I like to laugh and the stupid ones who cry.
    When I go to work I groan on the inside when co workers go on and on about Idol and Oprah. One day I told some ladies that I dont like Oprah. Don't ever tell women you don't like Oprah......Or maybe you shoudl try it just for fun.

  2. Saying you don't like Oprah to women is like saying you don't like doughnuts to cops.

    Or saying you don't like Percodans to Farrah Fawcett.

    Or saying you don't like metrosexuality to John Edwards.

    Write your own jokes here....
