Friday, February 29, 2008

I am woman...feel sorry for me

As we know, the Clintons will stop at nothing in their quest for political power. Apparently this includes playing the gender card...

In an interview with ABC News' Cynthia McFadden to air on this evening's "Nightline," Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., says it's tougher for her to run as a woman than it is for her male opponent.

Asked why she thinks so many women may be feeling sorry for her, Clinton said, "I think a lot of women project their own feelings and their lives onto me, and they see how hard this is. It's hard. It's hard being a woman out there. It is obviously challenging with some of the things that are said that are not even personal to me so much as they are about women.

"And I think women just sort of shake their head," Clinton continued. "My friends do. They say, 'Oh, my gosh, this is so hard.' Well, it's supposed to be hard. I'm running for the hardest job in the world. No one has ever done this. No woman has ever won a presidential primary before I won New Hampshire. This is hard. And I don't expect any sympathy, I don't expect any kind of, you know, allowances or special privileges, because I knew what I was getting myself into.

"Every so often I just wish that it were a little more of an even playing field," she said, "but, you know, I play on whatever field is out there."

It hasn't been hard for Hillary. Decades ago, she hitched her wagon to Bill Clinton and with little or no effort at all, rode him all the way to where she is today, including her carpet-bagged Senate seat in New York. I realize the media template is that white men have it made in the world, like we have a secret society with hand-shakes and buried treasure and we always take care of each other to the exclusion of everybody else. Well, I'm sick of it! Everybody has obstacles on their chosen path and the point is to overcome them, not whine about them being there. Education, relentless dedication, and working harder than everybody else is what levels the playing field...correction, those things tip the playing field in your favor, regardless of your race or gender.

Hillary, who's had it easier than anybody other than Little Lord Fauntleroy, the boy who would be king....Al Gore, playing the race card is the mother of all absurdities. I think this is the death throe of a truly desperate candidate who sees the agony of defeat in her near future.

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