Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Hand of Obama

Did you see this picture on Drudge today? According to the MSM, you'd think Obama was the embodiment of Christ himself. Turn this image into watercolor and you'd have Michelangelo's "The Hand of God". That's certainly the message of this picture.

Stupid cult-obsessed liberals...I swear!


  1. You know my thought on this is, if he is the next coming of christ, or the second messiah, or whatever, is that the reason you are going to vote him in as president?

  2. If he's anything, he's the anti-Christ(Revelations talks about a man of indeterminate race who rises to power by uniting all people who in the absence of any personal convictions, slavishly look to him for leadership). Sounds like your garden-variety democrat voter to me.

    And I'm not voting for him under any circumstances.

    I've softened on J.Mac and he'll probably get my vote since he's moved decidedly right in the last few weeks.

  3. I made that comment the other day about him being the anti christ - i was joking ....and thinking I shouldn;t have read Left Behind :) - but since then I've found out people are really thinking that. Ya' never know. All I know is he gives me the creeps.

  4. Muslim background Hmmm....
    Hates all that is right about USA (remember his no hand Star Spangled Banner photo) Hmmmm......
    Wants to save the world Hmmmm.....

    Sounds like a candidate for the Anti Christ I mean President to Me!!

  5. Barak is charming, charismatic, engaging, and articulate. He seeeeeemms like a nice guy......well, the apple seeeeeemmed like a nice piece of fruit to Eve.

    Don't bite, people!

  6. So He is the snake!!!

  7. The cascade of events described in Revelations will be initiated by just such a character. I guess it's not impossible.

  8. "Barak is charming, charismatic, engaging, and articulate."

    My question is what does this have to do with being a good president? Yeah he needs to be all of those things, but if he doesnt make good decisions, then he still screws over America.

  9. Those qualities in a candidate are required by most voters in order to win their vote, regardless of issue positions....and in the case of Barack Obaminable, in spite of positions. As dumb as it sounds, voters tend to vote for guys that they like on a personal level. This whole Hope and Change-themed campaign illustrates that. Simply the words Hope and Change invoke the warm fuzzies in the dim-witted masses. Not coincidentally, those are precisely the core democratic base voters.
