Monday, February 25, 2008

Gun buy-back programs.....utter failures

In liberal Oakland recently, the police, in an effort to placate the rabid anti-gun nuts, held another idiotic gun buy-back event. (I'm told that the money comes not from taxes but from siezed money from criminals.) You could bring any gun you wanted down and the cops would give you $250 and ask no questions. And that's not even the ridiculous part....the guns were supposed to be melted down and made into a statue of peace of some sort, no doubt to appease the sniveling, penny loafer wearing elitists who envision a strife-free, social utopia in which violence exists only in the minds of us Alabama neanderthals.

If I'm a serial murderer, I would love no questions asked buy-back programs. The cops would thoughtfully destroy the evidence of my latest crimes and I could use the money to buy a new guns that have no ballistics history for the cops to trace. Getting guns off the street sounds like a good idea but it's not like taking Percodans out of a bowl at Farrah Fawcetts house. It's not a closed system. New guns are available to replace the old ones. New guns that shoot straighter. Besides the statistics show that only 1 out of every 60,000 lawfully owned hand-guns is ever used in a crime so the efficiency numbers are kind of thin. Buy-back programs only serve to make some people defenseless when they weren't before, and give the murderers a down-payment toward a purchase of new weapons.

"But Ed" you whine, "what about the drug addicts and mental folks? Do you want them walking around armed? Isn't it better if they show up to turn in a gun?"

Sure, but for $250, what do you think a crack-head or a psycho would do to get a gun if he didn't already have one. He'd break into your house, shoot you with yours and then sell it to the cops for $250 with which he'd buy more crack. The cops would ask no questions and melt down the weapon that killed you to make an ironic monument to peace and your murder would remain unsolved. The next day, they'd bust the crack dealer who sold your murderer his crack and seize his money to fund another gun buy-back program, whereupon the crackheads and psychos would go out into the suburbs, where you live, looking for guns.

I like to call that the Circle of Stupidity.

1 comment:

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