Thursday, January 17, 2008

Send in the to cell block C.

Most of you know of my irrational fear and loathing of clowns. There's just always been something creepy to me about a grown man in makeup taking such pleasure in entertaining children. Well you can stop the ridicule...

Ringling Bros. clown "Spanky" has been arrested for 10 counts of exploitation of a minor, due to having photos of children having sex.

See? I was right.

From AceofSpadesHQ, here's the Top Ten Signs A Clown Might Have Gone Bad

10. Big red floppy boots only partially hide electronic tracking-bracelet on ankle

9. His big "Fun-Time Happy-Land Activity" at children's parties is a game he calls "Wash My Dirty Feet"

8. His "clown make-up" just looks suspiciously like White-Supremacist prison tattoos

7. Says he can't bring his famous puppets, as they're currently being examined by the police for hair and fiber evidence

6. An hour of his "show" consists of him reading the racing forms

5. While making balloon animals, repeatedly makes inappropriate
references to "the so-called Holocaust"

4. Says that Pin the Tail on the Donkey is no longer part of his act, "just to conform with the court order"

3. Every time you leave the room, you hear him trying to sell your children some "sweet" Utah real estate

2. Says he'd prefer to be paid in cash, and/or "weed"

... and the number one sign a clown might have gone bad...

1. Is mentioned in Washintonienne's sex diary under the alias "Funnybone"

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