Thursday, January 03, 2008

Pretend rage in India

Let's check in on our Islamic friends across the pond in India and see what's riling them up this week...

ERODE: Tension prevailed in Dharapuram after a slice of pork was found inside a mosque at Kannan Nagar near the by-pass road in Dharapuram on Friday.

Sources said that the slice of meat was thrown into the mosque through the iron gates. A mosque worker Ibrahim spotted it when he opened the door of the mosque this morning.

Later in the day, over 5000 Muslims assembled near the Big Mosque, Jinna Maidan and took out a march to the RDO Nagarajan’s office and sought action against the miscreants behind the incident.

Seriously! 5000 indignant Muslims marched in outrage over a slice of ham?
241 Marines killed in Beirut....nothing.
Hundreds of women and children slaughtered in Israel....nothing.
U.S. embassies attacked overseas....nothing.
Countless innocent civilians killed and property damaged by enraged Muslims over the years....and nothing.
3000 civilians killed in 2001 at the WTC.....and still nothing.
But some prankster tosses a slice of bacon into a mosque and 5000 enraged Muslims march in protest. Forgive me if I snicker when somebody calls it the religion of peace. Feigned outrage and violence are a way of life for unemployed, third-world degenerates.

A slice of pork....gimme a break!


  1. Where does this "news" come from? I don't care about a piece of pork in a Mosque. I wouldn't at all be surprised if Muslims placed it there to create an uproar to march to. Americans are pretty gullible to believe it was a malignant act.

  2. "a malignant act"? I think you mean malicious act.

  3. malignant, malicious, same difference
