Friday, January 11, 2008

It's Friday!

OK people, here's your weekend assignment. Go to ElectoralCompassUSA, take the short test and see where you land on the political landscape with all the remaining candidates. You may be surprised, I was. I landed almost exactly with Rudi Guiliani. I never would have guessed.

It only takes 5 minutes. Report back here in the comments thread so the rest of us can ridicule you.

I may post some stuff over the weekend so check in from time to time. Otherwise have a good weekend and see you on Monday.


  1. I too scored the highest for Guiliani and if I had to go into the polling booth today I would have blindly voted for Huckabee...I still like him but maybe I should research the candidates more thoroughly.

  2. Rudy G, then Ron Paul, which i want to win, even though he wont. Obama is last haha

  3. I'm closest to Rudy (surprising) and furthest from BO.
    I can't pick a guy. I've been undecided all along.

  4. That's weird that everybody's closest to Rudi. My wife thinks this is a clandestinely conservative web site and maybe she's on to something. Maybe it's worse than that. Maybe it's run by Rudi backers and puts everybody with Rudi and steers everybody away from BO.

    Somebody needs to try answering the conservatively oriented questions a little differently and see what happens.

  5. No, i got a bunch of my friends to do the questioner and they got different results including Barack Obama

  6. You've got friends that might vote BO? Dude!

  7. I never said they would vote BO. They got different results that included BO.

  8. checjed it out. I fell closeest to john McCain. Thankfully for me BO is far far away. Just wish he would go there - whereever that far far away place is say Mars!!

  9. I thought about this and went in and answered the questions as close to opposite of my position as I could and wound up matched to John Edwards, with Fred Thompson as the anti-candidate. Glad to know I cant even cheat and match the Muslim.

  10. I can't wait to vote for Ron Paul in Alabama Primary. Then I am going to vote for Rudy, then I am going to go to another voting location and vote for Oh-bama.
