Friday, December 21, 2007

Even liberals have their moments

In case you live under a rock, in a cardboard box over a heating vent, or you're obsessed with Jamie Lynn Spears and you get your news from E-television, you've probably seen this irritating "Holiday" ad from Hillary Clinton. Regarding that ad, in an uncharacteristic moment of clarity and sense, Chris Matthews, a big liberal and even bigger Clinton lickspittle, railed on Hillary for exactly what's wrong with her and all liberal elitists who want to govern the lives of Americans...

CHRIS MATTHEWS: I always thought the problem with Hillary was, her notion of government was, "I am Evita, I am the one who gives gifts to the little people and then they come and bring me flowers and they worship at me because I am the great Evita."

"And I give things to people. I give them universal health care; I give them an energy program. I give gifts to the little people. The little people come to me and I give them gifts, like universal pre-K. I am the gift-giver to the little people. Oh, I am the grand, grand woman, the grand Evita. And I give gifts to the little people and they're going to come to me in multitudes and worship at me!"

Give me a break! That's not the transaction. It's our country, it's our government. Public officials get to serve us! They serve us, they are our servants. They are not Evitas; they are not goddesses. We don't look up to them that way. We don't get gifts from them. By the way: we pay for every damn program we get. In fact we pay more for it than we're going to get. What are you kidding: you're going to give us stuff? From where? From your treasury? Where are you going to go? The palace? [unintelligble] The palace? We're going to give them to you?

It's the Hillary, it's the Clinton notion of the political transaction: we are the well-educated, sophisticated, smarter-than-you, better-than-you people and we're going to give you little things for your little needs. We've got little things for you; here's a gift for you. Universal pre-K. It's an absurdity. And some ad writer around her, Mandy [Grunwald] or Mark [Penn] should say "Mrs. Clinton, this is the problem you have. You think you're better and bigger than the little people, and you're giving them these things."

Right on, Chris! He hit the nail on the head about liberals and he probably didn't even know it.

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