Tuesday, November 06, 2007

What's Rosie's over/under on MSNBC?

I didn't realize MSNBC was still on the air, but I guess it's remaining 3 viewers(one of whom I hear is wheel-chair bound and can't change the channel easily) will be treated to the blathering of she who displaces roughly the same amount of water as a Chesapeake Bay tug boat. Of course I speak of none other than Rosie O'Donnel...

The NYTimes reports Rosie O’Donnell “is in serious discussions to return to television atop a new soapbox: a prime-time show on the cable news channel MSNBC.” Jacques Steinberg and Bill Carter write, “Under one scenario, Ms. O’Donnell would be given the 9 p.m. slot where she would go head-to-head with two heavyweights of cable talk: Larry King Live on CNN and Hannity & Colmes on Fox News.

With increasing political polarization and competitive news outlets too numerous to list, I guess MSNBC will give up all pretense of journalistic objectivity(not that anybody believed they had any) and outrightly root for the extreme wing of the liberal democrat party in an effort to score ratings points. Why else would you give a hysterical bully like Rosie O'Donnel an hour of prime-time TV license to spew her idiotic conspiracy theories? Rosie O'Donnel is as big a failure at TV as she is at squeezing into a size 40 pants-suit. Sure people will watch her out of the same morbid curiosity as they watch a car crash, for about 3 weeks, and then she'll say something outrageous that offends even the most stridently moronic liberals and she'll grow tired of the controversey and quit.

I'll bet you can get the over/under in months in Vegas right now on how long she lasts. I'll say it's 10 months before the advertisers say enough is enough and pull out altogether leaving MSNBC no choice but to cancel her.

1 comment:

  1. I'll tell you why she gets on MSNBC. They want her on television because she is psychotic enough to say what all of the Demochotics want to say. She is willing to destroy whatever dignity and sanity she has left to get her name in the news, and she will say what they want her to: that 9/11 is a conspiracy, that the war is killing our economy, and other absurd things that have been disproved time and time again.
