Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Poking fun of the self-injured.....again

Remember yesterday when I told you how we like to poke fun of people who get hit by trains? Well, I didn't think it would happen again so soon...

A woman who leaned over a station platform to vomit was hit in the head by a 65mph train – and SURVIVED.
Amazingly, the 28-year-old wasn’t knocked on to the tracks and suffered only a fractured skull and cut face.

Don't even think about accusing me of calousness. You know you laughed when you read that first sentence. I mean of all the places on Earth to vomit, you choose the path of a speeding train. I'm sorry, but that's funny as heck!

1 comment:

  1. Suffered only a fractured skull, if by fractured you mean that her skull is now in a thousand pieces. Now her hangover from the partying the night before is a lot worse. At least she won't remember any of it.
