Thursday, November 01, 2007

It's Ann Coulter Thursday!

This week Ann exposes the Left's hypocritical position(s) on Israel. The Anti Defamation League pretends to stand ever vigilant against anti-Semitism yet their most vocal criticism is against conservatives who're really the Jews' biggest supporters. The ADL can't seem ro reconcile thier loathing of anything remotely Christian in nature, yet it's Christians who support the state of Israel based on biblical teaching.

Go here and read the article.


  1. What's really interesting is why conservatives are the Jews' biggest supporters.

    It's simply because The Second Coming, according to the bible, despends on the Jews returning to the homeland.

    And then, according to the Evangelical Christians? There will be a battle (of course), and the Christians will triumph (of course).

    And the Jews? Most of them will be wiped out by the Christians. The few survivors will convert.

    In other words - the real Final Solution.

    Think I'm kidding?

  2. Yes capt., I think you're kidding, or just delerious. The reason Christians (the religious right) support the protection of the State of Israel by the U.S. is because #1 like you said, for the second coming to take place, there must be a state of Israel. and #2 the bible states unequivocally that "those who bless Israel will be blessed, and those who curse Israel will be cursed". It's that simple.

    Where in the bible does it say Christians will triumph over Jews in an epic battle?

    So based on your bizarre assertions, in the last days there will be another mass killing of Jews at the hands of Christians, simply because they are Jews....I mean if your comparison to the Final Solution holds any water? you hear yourself?

    I think you've been to too many country revivals, listened to too many hysterical fundie preachers, handled to too many snakes, been bitten too many times, and the neurotoxins are affecting your thinking.

  3. Hey C.A.: The Jews are the chosen people, unless I have completely misread the Bible. They are God's chosen people! In the end, whenever it may be, the Jewish people remaining after the Tribulation will be able to choose between God and Satan. Those that choose appropriately will see the 2nd coming. No different from the semi-christian like people that will be left as well. They will have a choice - Good or Evil- pretty simple. Read Revalation to find out who wins.
    You ask why consevatives support Israel. Mainly because it is the right thing to do. It has little to do with the 2nd coming. Conservatives will also support any tyrannically oppressed people by Chavez or the other thug dictators of this world too. These people are conservative, therefore, by their nature, they want things to be appropriate and right. They do not want to get swept up in an emotional ploy and act/react wrongly.

  4. you hear yourself?

    Loud and clear. Remember I asked if you thought I was kidding.

    This is an easy place to start:

  5. Isn't what the captain is saying pretty much in line what Coulter said in the famous interview ("we" Christians just want Jews to be perfected")?

  6. I think you've been to too many country revivals, listened to too many hysterical fundie preachers, handled to too many snakes, been bitten too many times, and the neurotoxins are affecting your thinking.

    I wish you were right, Ed - really I do. But this is not my thinking.

    I'd like to moderate myself, though; I should have asked "why a a lot of Christian conservatives are the Jews' biggest supporters"

    Here's more reading for you:

    ...and there's plenty more to prove my veins aren't full of snake poison.

  7. "reason Christians (the religious right) support the protection of the State of Israel by the U.S. is because #1 like you said, for the second coming to take place, there must be a state of Israel"

    So, Christians believe they have some sort control over "The End"? If we, as Christians, don't make sure that land is secure for the Jews then what... Jesus won't come again?? Or He will delay the whole process? People don't really think they can set the stage for this do they?

    As far as the links provided by the capt. ... where did they get their information? I just skimmed the CBS article and all I saw was Falwell's synopsis. It claims the Jewish state is the number one important issue to Christians. Is that accoridng to a poll or something?

    I didn't know Christians would wipe out the Jews either.
