Monday, October 29, 2007

Is it still hurricane season? I hadn't noticed

This is bad, bad news for the sycophants in the Church of Modern Environmentalism and it's high priest/cult leader the Goreacle...

Unless a dramatic and perhaps historical flurry of activity occurs in the next 9 weeks, 2007 will rank as a historically inactive TC year for the Northern Hemisphere as a whole. During the past 30 years, only 1977, 1981, and 1983 have had less activity to date (January-TODAY, Accumulated Cyclone Energy). However, the year is not over...

For the period of June 1 - TODAY, only 1977 has experienced LESS tropical cyclone activity than 2007.
There are currently two worldwide tropical cyclones: Tropical Storm Noel and Unnamed Arabian Sea TS...

On average to date (1970-2006), the Eastern Pacific season is 97% completed, Western Pacific 82%, North Atlantic 93% and overall Northern Hemisphere 87%.

To be honest, I had forgotten that it was still hurricane season since we haven't been threatened by one in months. Thankfully we had devastating wild fires out West and extreme drought conditions in the South, or else Al Gore would really be depressed that the US hasn't been battered by cat-5 hurricanes, strengthened by global warming, like he predicted. As it is, he can take smug satisfaction knowing that thousands of his fellow Americans have lost property, income, and even some lives to other natural disasters. Even still, that is not nearly enough punishment for the devestation we humans have caused to Mother Earth by simply existing. For the Goreacle, unless most of America(but not him and Tipper) is walking to work, reading by candle-light, and shivering in the dark, his life's mission will not have been completed.

1 comment:

  1. Its because of the climate shift. This isn't good, pretty soon we will have no more tornadoes, no blizzards, no typhoons, no volcanic eruptions, no wildfires. The liberals won't have anyone to blame the natural disasters on when there aren't natural disasters. At least thats the only reason I can think of as to why they would complain about this.
