Tuesday, October 09, 2007

"I'll go rip!!!"

Liberal attack dog Chris Matthews has always been a loyal, kool-aid drinking democrat. His partisanship is obvious. Just last week he gleefully pointed out that the Bush administration's criminality had been exposed. Well, he's moderating the GOP debate tonight and his recent opinions have brought his qualifications rightly into question...

On today's "Morning Joe," Joe Scarborough asked Chris Matthews if Republican candidates would try to get a "cheap applause line" tonight by pointing to his recent controversial comments.

Whined Chris:

For twenty years I've paid the price of indepdendence. I've taken it from everybody ... every night of my life for the past twenty years. ...

If they accuse of me of being partisan, I'll go rip! ...

Now, I'm not sure what "going rip" means, but I sure want to see it happen. So I hope some candidates rib him about it tonght.

1 comment:

  1. I question his intelligence. Asked if the debaters would point out his comments and he responds withan accusation of patisianship? Every night of my life? What is he smoking. The man was asked a question about a statement, right or wrong that is all it is. Dont get into some poormouthed diatribe about independence and whatever other drool you can come up with. Be a journalist and use your mind Chris!
