Monday, September 10, 2007

The jokes will just have to write themselves

I know everybody sat on their couches last night in breathless anticipation of Britney's "comeback" at the MTV music video awards. Well, let's just say it was a tad less than stellar. I'm not even going to make any jokes...she's too easy a target. Like Paris and Lindsay, they're such sad, pathetic, wastes of human space that they are not satisfying to ridicule any longer. So that's all I'm going to say about her, or them. Feel free to write your own jokes in the comments section.

Oh, OK. One joke... This morning my wife and I were riding in listening to the traffic reporter talk about a terrible crash on the interstate somewhere but there was no driver. My wife said, "A terrible crash with no driver...are they talking about traffic or Britney's performance last night?"

That's it. I'm done.


  1. Who is that fat chick that looks kinda like Britney striking a pose in her underwear? Kinda gross if you ask me. Wear a turtle neck "Fatney".

  2. I thought she looked pretty good considering the last two years of bizarreness and debauchery she's put herself through. That being said, her performance was abysmal. It was like MTV broadcast the dress rehearsal rather than the performance. It was dreadful! If her career wasn't over before that, it certainly was after.

  3. Her career was over before it started. I hardly think that singing for a bunch of girls and looking hot for guys counts as a career. Profitable? maybe, but not a career

  4. And Kevin busts out with profound insight, sagacious perspective, and cynical analysis...well done.

  5. As good as an overweight, alcohol/drug dependent, bald, and scarred female can. This chick needs to get her kids, and slide back into Lousianna and disappear as fast as she can. She is about to lose custody of her children to KFed. That in an of itself is pathetic, but she is still out trolling for "boy-toys" and hanging out semi naked with male backup dancers and frolicing around with them in public pools. When will she ever decide to shed her childeish ays and mature.

  6. She's got $165million reasons for sychophantic dingleberries to hang around her, feed her drugs, alcohol, and bad ideas about what's cool and normal. Her world is so detached from reality that it's like one of Stephen Hawking's parallel universes. It's as pathetic as it is disgraceful to be 26 and this messed up. She should retreat from celebrityship for 5 years and straighten herself out....but she won't. She's as addicted to that chaotic, destructive lifestyle as most dumb Americans are to celebrity worship. The two feed off each other in an endless cycle of celebrity creation and celebrity destruction. As soon as we're finished with Paris, Lindsay, and Brit, there'll be some more who we'll enjoy putting on pedestals and then enjoy watching the trainwreck that their lives inevitably become.

  7. Question: How hard is it to wear a short skirt/dress and to manage to not expose your "privates"?
    Second Question: How hard is it to accomplish that feat while "tanked"?
    Third Question: How many times will Britney show the world hers?
    Though provoking

  8. The simple non-psychoanalytical answer is she'll keep showing it as long as there are paparazzi who want to take a picture of it.

    The psych. answer is she's such a drugged out trainwreck of a wretch, she confuses media ridicule with fan adoration. You know what they say in Hollywood: Any publicity is good publicity. It means somebody's still interested in you.

  9. I could be gross and describe how she is chubby and it ain't pretty, but that would be somewhat unrefined, so all I will say is " I ain't sure that girl's got a hair on her body".

  10. Hairlessness is the in thing with the with-it crowd Joe. You try it and report back here and let us know how it turns out for you.

    Two words of advice: sharp razor

  11. Us "humpsters" are covered with a nice golden fleece and will keep it that way, thank-you very much. As for razor sharp, I would go with 'Good Laser'. And pray for staraight shooting.
