Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's Ann Coulter Thursday!

This week Ann points out the differences between trial lawyers and doctors, and why liberals love trial lawyers and hate doctors. Once again it's about the liberals' war on the productive class. Go here and check it out.


  1. Forget the article more pics of Ann. Imagine her on that tiger skin ottoman Meow!!!!

  2. You know, this brings in a funny question. If doctors start making less money because the government funds them, then will the rate of lawsuits against doctors fall? Better yet, will the number of trial lawyers fall? Then we won't have brilliant minds in the medical field or the trial lawyer field. Where will all the smart people go? Oh yes, Australia.

  3. Law of supply and demand. If doctors' money dries up then the lawyers will sue the next nearest deep pockets, regardless of culpability. Becaue lawyers are like that.

  4. Well after lawyers, if it comes to that, comes people of the government. I don't really see how that will work.

  5. Isnt her column a cliche? I am fairly liberal and I feel bad for doctors who have to pay ridiculous ammounts in insurance and really dont get paid enough. Lawyers are basically kids who graduate school not kowing what to do so they go to law school. These masses then in turn conntribute to the awful legal culture we have today. I really don't think either of these opinions are nneccessarily conservative or liberal.

    Much like many on the left Coulter is just a rabble rouser.

  6. Name one conservative who is a trial lawyer that makes his living suing doctors out of their money. Then name another, then another, then another. See where I am going with this. It will take many lawyers before you have the number of liberals who do this.

  7. @Joe 11:57,

    Try to stay focused. I'm sure Stretch Coulter would appreaciate your interest but try to stay focused.

  8. i am sure a lot of trial lawyers are conservative. they usually make a good deal of money and would prefer to keep it.

  9. @anon 6:56,

    I'm sure you are right and I meant to disparage only those trial lawyers, who like John Edwards, fleece the legal system by tricking stupid jurors into awarding them huge amounts of money by playing on their emotions.

  10. Yes, anonymous you are right, but the question was name a "trial lawyer that makes his living suing doctors out of their money", or what Ed said.

  11. She looks like a hooker.

  12. conservative hookers are A-OK with me
