Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hypocrite of the week!

In the most brazen, unashamed display of hypocricy this election year, the Breck Girl actually stated with a straight face that frivolous law suits are partially to blame for the rising level of health care in this country. Bleated the Breck Girl....

"I think that the bulk of the problem is created when cases are filed in the legal system that should never be filed, and the results are years of litigation and costs that are incurred by the health care provider that should not have been incurred," Edwards said. "A lot of that responsibility goes to the lawyers."

He wants to require two medical professionals to sign off on any claim before it is filed.

That's not a bad idea as long as the medical professionals on the panel are actual practicing doctors and not political appointees.

The shocking thing about his statement however, is that he is one of the biggest abusers of the frivolous law-suit tactic of personal enrichment in America. John Edwards personally raped the system of tens of millions of dollars by suing doctors and hospitals in North Carolina courts, using phoney "medical" data to tug at the heart-strings of stupid morons who served as jurors. Because of his ridiculous law suits, hospitals and doctors dramatically ramped up their malpractice insurance to the point that many of them had to abandon the practice of medicine and find other lines of work. It's been shown over and over that what Silky Pony claimed in court was patently false and he knew it was false when he used it to seduce cretins in the jury box to award him millions of other peoples' dollars.

He's comically far behind in the presidential polls now and we can relax and poke some fun. Let's just hope Hillary doesn't tap him for VP.


  1. I'm appalled that he actually plans to use this in his campaign. Is he not ashamed of what he did? And on top of that, the hypocrisy of those statements is astonishing. Its people like him that ruin this country. He couldn't find a more productive way to make money other than ruin so many people's lives and drive the cost of health care up in this country. He shouldn't be elected, he should be executed.

  2. i'm calling photoshop on this picture. well done though.

    there are always going to be predatory charlitans in the courtroom. it's up to the jury to put the brakes on frivolous law suits. we have a good system but the juries have to do their part, and they failed every time john edwards pretended to be speaking for the spirits of dead babies.

  3. Notice the Kerry/Edwards button on the kid. Old if not adjusted. My assumption is that someone altered the verbage on the sign.

  4. Who cares whether or not its a photoshop? Its just a representation of the hypocrisy that the Edwards campaign is using as a running platform.

  5. I care. I feel it is unfair to castigate anybody needlessly. This is funny in a "cartoon editorial" kind of way. Nothing else. The substance of the article is another matter. Edwards is and always will be a trial lawyer. 'nuff said.

  6. "I think that the bulk of the problem is created when cases are filed in the legal system that should never be filed, and the results are years of litigation and costs that are incurred by the health care provider that should not have been incurred," Edwards said.

    So this means that he thinks that taking doctors to court over absurd and false accusations backed up by nonsensical analysis is a waste of time and is costing those healthcare providers time and money they could use to help people. What did he do for a living again? Oh yeah, he preyed on doctors who performed C-sections based on false proof that they caused cerebral palsy. Hypocrisy... 'nuff said.
