Saturday, September 29, 2007

Get with the program people

Is it that you people already know who you're voting for or are you just too lazy to click on over and take the candidate calculator test. It only takes like 3 minutes. You don't have to use your real name when you report back, be anonymous or make one up. I thought this would be a fun, interesting exercise given the current political climate. So head on over to The Candidate Calculator and tell the group how it turned out.


  1. Ok I took it again, and paid closer attention to some of the smaller issues I knew less about, read up on them and here is my new result.

    Mitt Romney 80%
    followed closely by Fred Thompson, McCain, and Giuliani.
    Clinton, Ron Paul, and Edwards were all middle of the pack.

    At the bottom were Obama, Biden, Kucinich, and Gravel.

  2. Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich (88% match)

    Don't know the guy, but he can't be too bad...

  3. he is the one who went to Syria to speak about how inhumane Americans are and how he hates America. And now he is running for President over the country he hates.

  4. I suspect glen is yanking our chain. Nobody, matches up well with the Keebler elf and his smelly hippie wife.

  5. Haha im going to try and match it up with him, and see what his platform is.

  6. Ok, so if you turn all of the importance down to low, and answer in the form of a Christmas tree, you get a match to the Keebler Elf.

  7. With my completely open mind to opening the flood gates and giving ilegals free access to our country, allowing for all females to have pap smears and abortions in the same doctor visit, and for continuing to block our use of the oil and natural gas in the Alaskan outback, I was at 80 plus % on Clinton, Obama, and some whacked out grape nutter named Kucinich. Where is a good tyrannical dictator when you need one.

  8. Okay,
    I aligned with Tom Tancredo @ 80+%. Kusinich was my lowest at 17%.

    Interesting I had been following Tancredo and occasionally visit his web site.

  9. He's the biggest closed borders guy in the bunch. I hope he goes far and at least forces that issue to be discussed.
