Monday, August 13, 2007

Vacation blues

As you know, I was on vacation at the beach last week. It was 115 pretty much every day, but 115 at the beach is better than 72 at the lab. Anyway, on the way home, we took a drive along one of the residential property roads that parallels the beach before leaving town. You know the ones. They have lots of duplex type homes up on stilts and nearly every one is rental property. The only difference is that what is basically a double-wide trailer on stilts here at home, is a half million dollar luxury unit on the beach. It's unbelievable that they get that much for cheap, rental property.

Anyway, we're driving along at like 5mph feeling refreshed, relaxed, and most of all not sweaty, when we come across this girl whose car is stuck in the sand on the side of the road. The stranded girl makes eye-contact with us so my wife makes me stop to help (I would have kept going like I didn't see too hot to be pushing a car out of the sand).

Like a couple of hobos, we grabbed some cardboard from a nearby garbage can to use as traction but that didn't work. Thankfully some guys who'd been drinking beer (at 10:00) saw us and decided to stop laughing and help out. Finally we got the girl's car out, but not after becoming totally sweat-drenched for the ride home.

Then when we get home, the house is literally 95 inside...the air conditioner had broken while we were gone. So we spent another night out, in the Quality Inn near our house.

Seriously, this was not how we wanted to wrap up an otherwise nice vacation.

I have to go meet the AC guy and probably buy a new AC's going up to 103 today....UGH!!!

More later

UPDATE: Yeeeaaaa!!!! All that was wrong with the AC unit was the fan had somehow cut one of the motor wires. All they had to do was rewire the fan motor....heck, I could have done that. I love good news!


  1. We will help you when you need it, and you can help us when we need it... unless of course your car is stuck in the sand and its hot outside, then we will bow on by and act like we didn't see you. Come on Ed, be a good American and help the poor girl out.

  2. our air conditioner broke, yall didnt tell me that, it wasnt anything i did before i left was it?

  3. No...not unless you jumped up and down on the cooling unit behind the house. You didn't jump and down on the cooling unit behind the house did you?
