Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Sonoran a landfill

I blogged on this atrocity before, but I thought it was worth a revisit. Here is a picture of the pristine Sonoran desert south of Tucson...well at least it was pristine and beautiful until the illegal alien invasion started. The poor, downtrodden, looking-for-a-better-life Mexicans who "just want to be American", as libs would have you believe, dump thousands of tons of garbage annually as they invade the country they supposedly love. If our government wasn't completely derelict in the performance of it's most basic duty, the defense of the country, this sort of thing would not be taking place.

I found this picture and others over at Moonbattery.


  1. When do we reach the tipping point on this issue? What's it going to take to get our elected "representatives" to get off their arses and do something resembling anything. I've made it my mission to bug the sh*& out of my representatives. I intend to keep the pressure on until they move off "stop" or get fired whichever comes first. Meanwhile I'll continue to stew in anger and dejection as the USA continues its death spiral.

    Maybe a revolution is in order. No...that would never work. Americans would have to get off their lazy, bloated arses to make this happen. Pigs will fly first!

  2. Sadly D, that is the case. The government indoctrination centers(schools) have done a masterful job of conditioning Americans to depend on gov't for everything. Suckling at the generous gov't teat is a way of life for far too many Americans. For this reason alone, politicians know that they can do anything that benefits them personally (such as refusing to close the border) and as long as they keep the goody-bags flowing, the dependent class will not care what they do.

    It's truly pitiful!

  3. Al Gore would be appalled at the lack of respect for the environment. He would also blame the Arizona state government for not anticipating a nedd, and installing trash receptacles at strategic environmentally friendly locations. That way the poor under priveleged immigrants would not be forced to discard their meager food reserves as shown herein. Note how these people, who yearn for freedom in this country, are doing their best to keep this dump site in order. This is our fault and if we cannot get people to volunteer to clean this up, or to patrol the area to alleviate this problem, well then I guess it will be our fault when the Sonoran desert rat is extinct. When the rat dies off then the foxes, coyotes, and other creatures that eat them will be forced to move to Phoenix and start eating small pets and small children. Then the illegals will scream because they are being singled out by the coyote population and some Americans will be forced to figure out a way to stop that issue. Its amazing how things spiral out of control.

  4. The law of unforseen consequences

  5. This is bull shit.
    HOAX - Fraud.
    This so called "trail" does not exist.
