Monday, August 06, 2007

Multiculturalism will be our downfall

If you needed further evidence that the continent of Europe is sliding down the toilet faster than Lindsay Lohan's career, look not further than this absurd story from our mother country, the Islamic Republic of Great Britain. It seems that in an embarassing display of servitude to Islam, a 4th grade teacher had her students practice writing Islamic chants and incantations as part of their penmanship lesson. Maybe you'll recognize them...“Allah is the greatest” and “I bear witness that there is no God but Allah”. Sound familiar? It should. It's what Muslim barbarians scream at the top of their lungs before they saw off the head of an infidel with a dull knife or right before they steer jet airplanes into buildings.

Don't think this can't happen here in the U.S. It already is happening. Kids in California have been required to dress as Muslims and eat falafels for an Islamic Appreciation Day. Idiotic Islamic dogma is being crammed down the throats of our children even when there are no Muslims around...all in the name of multiculturalism. There were no Muslim kids in that classroom in England nor at the school in California. Even more preposterously, no Muslims demanded that they do it. They did it all by themselves. Somewhere in a cave, some smelly terrorists in dirty nightshirts are laughing their butts off at how easy we are to defeat....because we defeat ourselves.

I don't know what this 11th century chicken-scratch says but that teacher could just as well have had them practice writing in Arabic. It's what they'll have to learn in few years anyway when their Muslim overlords ban English.

When a country denies it's own culture and embraces a hostile culture instead as superior, that civilization is on a pathway to self-destruction.

Wake up people! Political correctness and incremental multiculturalism will destroy this country little by little until it is unrecognizable. And that will be the legacy of our generation...we will have willingly committed national suicide with our eyes wide open every step of the way. It's already happend in most of Europe and we're next.

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