Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Great Britain's predictable brain drain

Who couldn't have predicted this trend?

More people left the UK last year than in any year since current records began in 1991, statistics show.
Figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) indicate that some 385,000 people left the UK for the long term in the year to mid-2006.

Of course Brits are fleeing in droves. What the article doesn't say is why exactly, but I'll bet dollars to doughnuts it has a little to do with the changing attitudes toward nationalism and patriotism. The leadership in the U.K. regularly change the laws and culture in Britain to appease the radical Muslims. You can't get a piggy-bank in England because pork offends Muslims. School children can't eat pork in schools any more because it might offend a Muslim. Government employees in Scottland cannot eat lunch at their desks during Ramadan because infidels who don't fast offend delicate Muslims' sensibilities. Some schools have separate class rooms, entrances, and bathrooms because Muslims demanded it. The list of ridiculous appeasements goes on and on. No wonder there is a brain-drain happening in the U.K., smart people know that there once great country is becoming a shell of it's former self by denying it's own rich culture and embracing the goofy culture of it's Muslim occupiers.

If my country's leadership pathetically caved in to the demands of aggressive, hostile outsiders the way the U.K. leadership has, I'd want to emigrate to New Zealand too. This is the new face of Europe...get used to it.


  1. Where does the line get drawn. First, as Americans we accept David Beckham and his entourage with open arms and immediately bestow Celebrity status to him. Now we will be forced to adjust to other Brits coming over and telling us how dumb we are. Foods will change. No more Big Macs, because the sensitive British stomach requires Haggis and a pint of warm ale.(YUCK!!!) My vote is to close the borders. Sandblast the words of welcome off the Statue of Liberty and tell the world to eat cake. If they don't like it they can fight for their own country themselves. Remember we Americans have always helped and asked little or nothing in return, but maybe its time we stopped. Maybe it is time for us to help ourselves. Maybe its time to really attack the areas of the world where people don't believe like we do. Oh wait I sound just like a Muslim.

  2. Rule No 1: Never check a good story

  3. Banker,
    I checked your link and you may be correct about the piggy-bank story however, the larger point remains true...that is, the political correctness drones in the U.K. are willingly denying their own culture and heritage to appease delicate Muslim sensibilities, so as to not anger them. The piggy-bank thing was just one of dozens of ways the Europeans are ceding their countries to the hostile Muslim invaders.

    But your point is well taken.

  4. I fully agree that the larger point remains true, Ed.

  5. Im sorry if i offend anyone, but if that ever happens here, im eating pork every chance i get, and ill eat it at their desks. Its their religion, not mine, and i dont have to follow it. On second thought, im not sorry if i offend anyone, this is America the free. If you have a problem with the way things are run here, go somewhere else. We shouldnt have to conform to their demands just because they say so. The day we give in to them because we are afraid of their hostile tendencies, is the day terrorism wins.

  6. Out of the mouths of babes...

    Kevin: "If you have a problem with the way things are run here, go somewhere else. We shouldnt have to conform to their demands just because they say so. The day we give in to them because we are afraid of their hostile tendencies, is the day terrorism wins."

    You have learned well young padowan. Excellent critical thinking and analysis!
