Sunday, August 05, 2007

Dem's show their true anti-capitalist colors

In all old horror movies, the vampires hide under the cover of darkness and nobody can see. Eventually they have to come out and show themselves to feed on the blood of others. Fittingly, blood-thirsty Democrats have hidden behind the phony cloak of environmental activism and childrens' causes. This weekend they came out of hiding to feed on what they must have to exist....the blood of successful American other words...stock-holders' profits...

WASHINGTON (AP) - Declaring a new direction in energy policy, the House on Saturday approved $16 billion in taxes on oil companies, while providing billions of dollars in tax breaks and incentives for renewable energy and conservation efforts.

Nancy Pelosi is a vile, loathsome, wretch who uses our childrens' futures and the global-warming hoax to justify stealing the profits of oil companies...profits that belong to every stock-holder and every American who has a mutual fund.

Unless you are a tin-foil hat wearing, kool-aid guzzeling, liberal kook, you understand that the government already steals from the American consumer, $2 for every $1 of profit the oil companies earn on a gallon of gas. That's right! Thanks to Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, federal gas taxes have increased dramatically. They are the reason gas costs so much. In fact, when the price at the pump goes up, so do the revenues to the government. Tax revenues are tied to price not consumption. But the democrats want to blame the greedy oil companies, because gullible, stupid Americans who resent anybody who earns more money then they do, want to be taken care of by their loving and benevolent government nannies. Well, congratulations Americans, that's exactly what you've gotten. Your government, stealing earnings from stock-holders to use in vote-buying schemes to remain in power.

I'm going to go vomit now.

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