Monday, July 23, 2007

Where's Tony Soprano when you need him?

Just in case you were unaware that the legal system in this country is totally broken, read this and know that it is...

ROCKVILLE, Md. — Charges against a man accused of repeatedly raping and molesting a 7-year-old girl were dismissed last week because the court could not find an interpreter fluent in the suspect's native West African language.

Mahamu Kanneh, a Liberian native who received asylum in this country and attended high school and community college here, according to The Washington Post, was denied a speedy trial after three years awaiting a court-appointed interpreter who could speak the tribal language of Vai.

He went to high school and college here! He can understand English just fine. That the smarmy degenerate he hired as a lawyer would pull something like this (now don't laugh) is an embarassment to the legal profession. (Having said that, it's hard to embarass a sleazy criminal defense lawyer as they hold positions on par with drug-dealers and pimps in terms of public respect for what they do.)

Where's the justice for this little girl and her family? Letting a serial child-rapist go based on what is surely a lie, is unthinkable to me. I told my wife this morning that if this had happened to someone in my family, I could see myself seriously considering taking the law into my own hands and hiring a hit on this guy or maybe seeking the satisfaction of doing it myself.

If you're a 7 year old girl, the scales of justice apparently don't work for you, when your attacker has a sleazebag attorney who's willing to lie to get him off.


  1. So let me get this straight, he was let go because they couldnt understand him?!!! That cannot seriously be a reason to let a criminal go. This is only going to get worse as more and more foreigners will claim to 'na speaka englash!' It will be the new criminally insane plea. If that happens we should open up a learn english asylum so these guys can get some help learning english before they are punished for their crimes.

  2. The issue was his lying attorney claimed that he couldn't comprehend the nuances of the American legal system unless it was presented to him in his native tribal tongue. The problem with that argument was Liberia was settled by english-speaking former slaves. English is the national language of Liberia. He may know some obscure tribal click-and-beep language but the guy speaks and understands English quite well.

    The reperucsion of this precedent is that now, illegals from all countries(Mexico) will be able to claim that they don't understand the charges against them and will weasel out of crimes on phoney language-barrier grounds.
