Thursday, July 19, 2007

a rare Thursday two-fer

Not only are humans destroying Mother-Earth-Gaia by driving our gas-guzzeling SUV's, we're also bad stewards of the environment by consuming animals that were put here specifically for our dining pleasure as carnivores...

Producing 2.2lb of beef generates as much greenhouse gas as driving a car non-stop for three hours, it was claimed yesterday.

Japanese scientists used a range of data to calculate the environmental impact of a single purchase of beef.

Taking into account all the processes involved, they said, four average sized steaks generated greenhouse gases with a warming potential equivalent to 80.25lb of carbon dioxide.

This also consumed 169 megajoules of energy.

That means that 2.2lb of beef is responsible for greenhouse gas emissions which have the same effect as the carbon dioxide released by an ordinary car travelling at 50 miles per hour for 155 miles, a journey lasting three hours. The amount of energy consumed would light a 100-watt bulb for 20 days.

It's such a seldom occurance, that I am compelled to remark on it, when I can irritate nutty eco-liberals by single-handedly increasing the temperature of Earth by engaging in two different, simultaneous, Earth-harmful activities. You all know I take pride in the size of my carbon footprint, and I love to irritate environmentalist zealots. With that in mind, I'll be gassing up the 15mpg SUV tonight and driving the family to a steakhouse for a slab of grilled animal flesh.

My mouth is watering just thinking about eating some corn-fed beef.


  1. I will call Steak-out and ask them to grill me a couple of large T-Bones to a nice crisp uneatable well done and then to just cruise around town for an hour or so.

    "Eat more Chikin"

  2. The reason the Japanese are criticizing the consumption of beef is because Kobe beef is the most expensive in the world and they figure if they can't eat it, nobody should be able to.

  3. Ed,
    You are rolling!

  4. Pretty soon those damn eco-liberals will say that passing gas will raise the earth's temperature and that in order to prevent global warming, we should hold in our gas. Well I for one will cherish the opportunity to fart every chance i get. I see this becoming a South Park episode for some reason.
