Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I want to believe!

It would be cool if this stuff were real...

A crowd of 100 stunned stargazers brought a town centre to a standstill when five mysterious UFOs were spotted hovering in the sky.

Drinkers spilled out of pubs, motorists stopped to gawp and camera phones were aimed upwards as the five orbs, in a seeming formation, hovered above Stratford-Upon-Avon for half an hour.

The unidentified flying objects lit up the otherwise clear night sky above Shakespeare's birthplace in Warwickshire on Saturday.

And it would be even cooler if one of these sightings ended up with a close encounter of the 3rd kind....CONTACT!!!

Why, if even 1% of these sorts of sightings were real, has there never been a single shred of evidence other than grainy pictures and anecdotal accounts?


  1. Weather balloons Ed, weather balloons. Look at the second paragraph. Drinkers spilled out of pubs: they were drunk so they arent credible. Motorists stopped to gawp: they should have been paying attention to the road. Camera phones were aimed upwards: teenagers, cant be trusted. Stratford-Upon-Avon: this is obviously the ghost of Shakespeare writing poetry in the sky. Its quite poetic. Oh and many people who have the close encounters with UFOs get abducted and have huge satellites shoved into their rectums because we are the reality TV show called Earth (South Park)

  2. I didn't say I thought these were real. I said it would be cool if ET's contacted us at some point.

    It would be the single greatest event in human history...right alongside the building of the great pyramids, construction of the Hoover Dam, and 19 year olds keeping their cell phone minutes under the limit.

  3. It would be the single greatest event in human history. It would prove oh so many people wrong, and many credible annoying people would be wrong, and that is what would make it so much sweeter.
