Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Global Warming or Dead Fish?

Recently, a large humpback whale was spotted near Juneau, Alaska as it died. The whale , as was discovered when it washed onto the shore on Admiralty Island, had an unusually large (swollen) tongue. This whale was spotted on numerous occasions as it toiled to breath in the last few days of its life. Early reports indicate that the whale may have collided with a ship or possibly had a major infection. Regardless the animal died and is currently under investigation. It appears that all of the US based ships that sail in and out of this area have no report of a hit-and-run whale incident and therefore attribute this wreck to a foreign based ship sailing within US territorial waters. Spies? Illegal Orientals? Illegal game fishermen? Who knows, but the fact remains that very soon AlGore will be gracing the media extolling us with his standard diatribe on global warming. It will be discovered (by Al) that the swelling resulted from an increase in the ocean temperature directly related to the increasing temperature of the planet, as a result of human carbon monoxide pollutants.
The environmentalist movement will soon be parading around beseeching that this mammal( yes I do know a whale is not a fish) be saved a not dissected to determine anything useful.
Humpback whales are an endangered species and since last check have a population increase on average of about 7% per year. This means that as the whale population grows, the potential of whale-boat catastrophes in the Alaskan area will increase.
When will Cindy Shehan arrive to save the day? Oh, I forgot she is taking on SanFranNan now! By the way, The picture is of Katie Couric Standing next to a humpback!


  1. I wonder if its tongue was swollen after lying next to Kaie?

  2. That's not Katie Couric. Katie would never appear in public in State Park ranger clothes.

  3. reid, you don't know that natural causes doomed this whale. It might have been some cascade of events triggered by habitat temperature inching higher. Nobody knows yet but why continue to do nothing about global warming while animals may be dying? It is really just a matter of choosing to not pollute or to pollute.

  4. What is known by the scientists trained to understand these animals is that the enlarged tongue typically indicates ablunt force trauma. After the animal has been tested, he will be allowed to start seteriationa nd will then be checked for broken bones and such. Stay tuned for much more on the whale.
