Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Close to home

In sickening servitude to political correctness, the American media regularly lecture us about how the terrorists are an extreme minority within mainstream Islam, and that they have hijacked the otherwise wonderful, loving Religion of Peace. But a mainstream Imam in Great Britain had these remarks this week concerning the role of women and children in jihad...

At the UK-based Islamic discussion forum Ummah.com, they’re discussing whether it’s all right to kill children while waging jihad: [Is it] impermissible to kill women and children in all circumstances?

The verdict, according to a spiritual leader? No problem killing them.

But you can only rape the women if you capture them first and make them slaves. Then it’s OK, because it’s no longer rape at that point.

Not convinced? Here are the Imam's exact words. You can decide for yourself...

The apparent [Thahir] is that it is (permissible) for us to kill their women and children- even if it means that we lose profit/benefit from it [since keeping them alive is a profit/benefit because they become the property of the Muslims]; (and killing them in this situation is permissible) due to it threatening the hearts of the enemies and a humiliation for them.

There you have it right from the horses mouth ladies and gentlemen. While these "moderate" Muslims may not engage in terrorism against women and children themselves, they recongnize it's usefullness and allow for it's employment in world-wide jihad against infidels.

There's a Muslim sect which trying to have a "worship center" built in my neighborhood. Obviously the residents are against it. The local media will predictably take the side of the Muslims and castigate those of us in opposition as racist bigots.

The taliban are murdering South Korean peace workers in Afghanistan as I write this.

This raises the big question: Is it free practice of religion in America if the message to your church membership includes the barbaric, violent treatment of anybody, man, woman or child, who doesn't embrace Islam? In this post 9/11 age, is the Islamic radicalization of our neighbors something we as a nation want taking place in our churches? Constitutionally, what can we do to stop it?

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