Monday, July 16, 2007

Capitalism feeds the world, not the U.N.

The pitiful collection of thugs, despots, dictators, and villians known as the United Nations is whining that it can't continue feed the world with the prices of food rising...

Rising prices for food have led the United Nations programme fighting famine in Africa and other regions to warn that it can no longer afford to feed the 90m people it has helped for each of the past five years on its budget.

The World Food Programme feeds people in countries including Chad, Uganda and Ethiopia, but reaches a fraction of the 850m people it estimates suffers from hunger. It spent about $600m buying food in 2006. So far, the WFP has not cut its reach because of high commodities prices, but now says it could be forced to do so unless donor countries provide extra funds.

What the UN fails to recognize is that free-market capitalism is what feeds the world. Name a single country which embraces private enterprise, the rule of law, and capitalism in which food and economic prosperity aren't abundant. The UN has been taking the generous donations of money and food from Americans and distributing it in Africa. If countries like Chad, Uganda, and Ethiopia would stop killing each other and started living like civilized human beings, they could have all the food they want. Those countries have some of the most fertile land on Earth. They could be prosperous food exporters instead of desperate, miserable, hopeless, dying refugees.

Children like this would have all the food they want if their governments would embrace American-style capitalism.


  1. I have been busy lately and haven't had a chance to catch up on this blog. Ed, you and Reid have really left me with some great material with which to thrash you. If I had known there was so much to disagree with, I would have checked in more often.

  2. The UN does good work for the most part. Any collection of humans the size of the UN will have a few bad apples. You act as if no world hunger has been aleviated by the UN at all.
