Thursday, July 05, 2007


I've been bashing the U.K. populace lately for their embarassing submissiveness to the hostile Muslims who're openly attacking their country. Apparently the police feel they have stopped the aggressive colonization of England as they have time for other crime fighting activities like this...

FOUR cops were sent to a mum’s home — to demand her daughter’s garden TRAMPOLINE.

They were backed by THREE council officials — and insisted safety rules meant she must surrender the 14ft trampoline.

She had splashed out £280 for the sports kit less than a month ago as a sixth birthday gift for daughter Katie-Jane, a gymnast.

Mum-of-two Charlotte said she was left baffled by the demand because she always supervises her daughter’s bouncing and even installed a safety net.

Charlotte, of Tadworth, Surrey, said: “I begged for it to stay and they agreed, as long as I took it down myself. I’m amazed the police didn’t have anything else better to do.”

They even warned her year-old son Jack’s “unsafe” sandpit could be filled in.

Nanny-state intrusiveness like this creates a dependent, numbed population unwilling to think or act on their own behalf to save their own lives, since the "state" is doing everything for them. That's why the Brits don't seem alarmed when local Muslims attempt, some successfully, to kill civilians with bombs. They don't feel responsible for anything...even themselves.

Sadly this little girl may live to see the asinine nanny-state government of England replaced with a hard-line Islamic one.

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