Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The religion of Peace...practically a parody of itself

Well, it's no surprise that the silly collection of 11th century barbarians running around in dirty nightshirts known as radical Islam has it's shorts all in a bunch again...

Muslim radicals burned an effigy of Queen Elizabeth Tuesday as Pakistan summoned the British ambassador over Salman Rushdie's knighthood and Iranian hardliners turned their fury on the monarch.

Anger has mounted in the neighbouring Islamic republics since the British monarch gave the 59-year-old author of "The Satanic Verses" the title of Sir Salman for services to literature at the weekend.

The row has thrown Rushdie back in the eye of the storm, 18 years after he was sentenced to death by Iran's revolutionary founder Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini for blasphemy in a fatwa that has never been revoked.

All it takes is the breeze blowing to trigger violent demonstrations with chants of "Slay the infidels" and "butcher those who mock Islam". If Islam would produce something in it's part of the world besides violence, religious intolerance, bloodshed, murder, poverty, hopelessness, misery, and despair, then we westerners might be a tad sympathetic....then again, not so much.

Practitioners of the peaceful religion of Islam doing what they do best...being outraged by the breeze.


  1. Ed: I often sit and read your blog, along with others, for a few moments of stress relief in my normally hectic and frenetic days. As I read this blog of yours, I was forced to indulge the populace with a response.

    I was given the task of sitting on a committee that makes hiring/firing decisions at a southern university. I will not reveal its name or location due to the confidential nature of my upcoming comments.

    The committee just finished interviewing a few people to try to bring some diversity to our theolgy department. We do not offer any type of divinty degree, but a student here can attend theology classes. One of our interviewees was an Imam. He sat and discussed the peaceful and loving concepts within his religion. He esposed purity, abstinence and abhored alcohol abuse. All of this gave him creedance with the committee. As our process goes, open questioning is held until the end. A few basic questions were asked, and then the dean of business, introduced himself and stated that he attended the local Methodist church, and only had a few minor questions. The Imam nodded and received his first query. "Do you and does your religion believe that all non-believers are infidels?" The answer was "yes". The followup question: " Do Muslims believe that all infidels should be killed, for lack of belief?". The answer, while slower and less audible was still "yes". Then my colleague dropped the bomb. He asked the Imam his last question. "How can I support a man for a position in a learning institution, when the beliefs he espouses would include the elimination of all Non-Muslims within this university? Is what I am now asking true?" The Imam sat silent for a long time and then only nodded.

    Muslims state that they are peace loving and that these warring people are without merit. When truly pressed on indiviual beliefs, they find it difficult to articulate any type of answer that is truthful without damming themselves and their cause.

    Good luck in your blogging career. I will go back to reading and enjoying the list of crazy and zany characters that flit onto your lily pad.

  2. professor, first a disclaimer: I want to stress that I do not think that absolutely ALL Muslims are terrorists, or even potential terrorists. You didn't say that I did, but I always want to make that clear, lest I be vilified as a being anti-Arab.

    That being said, as you sagely observed, in the absence of their dissent, most Muslims are beleived to be at the least, sympathetic to and secretly supportive of the radicals among them.

    If you could share it with my readers, I would love to know if the committee recongnized the irony of the person who could demonstrate the institutional commitment to diversity and tolerance being so intolerant of diversity himself that he was denied a job?

  3. Alas Ed, all the Imam did was stand thank the committee for their time and leave. After the door was shut the heated argument began. My astute colleagues began arguing amongst themselves about every issue imaginable, while degrading the Methodist for his lack of compasion and lack of decency. I watched and listened to the tirade for well on 10 minutes before I stopped this nonsense by a simple question. "Are you in support of this man for a teaching position or not?".

    The vote was 6-0 against. Amazing how even the most liberal person in the room would not offer support. The only non-vote was mine, since, as chair I only break ties. (FYI my vote would have been NO!)

    We need to be carefull to listen, study, and learn more about these people, before we willingly allow them to infest and destroy our culture as well. Europe is currently in decline by Muslim takeover and apathy from everyone else.

    You provide a good service here and your patrons should at least acknowledge your research and your attempts to provide insight. You display your reasoning fairly and without pretense or hidden agenda. You are unashamedly conservative and do not hold back on any issue you see as needing. Good Luck.
