Thursday, June 07, 2007

It's Ann Coulter Thursday!

In today's column, Ann blasts the heinous Senate immigration bill and liberal's, including Bush, attempt to railroad it past the American people using baseless accusations of racism against anybody who voices opposition. A must read.

You can get the whole thing here.


  1. What is your obsession with Ann Coulter? She's an awful person. She's mean and hateful and she does not make your party look good.

  2. Actually Ann is smart and witty. I think we could use more like her.

  3. The alternative is Parisite and Lindsey LoBrain. There will always be those who add value to society and those who suck the life out of it. You are free to choose which to support but I will tell you supporting the brainless bimbos of Hollywood is a fatal tendency.
