Friday, June 22, 2007

Hard time in the Big House

In case you missed it, either Paris Hilton herself, or a 7 year old mentally retarded ghost-writer, penned this letter to one of Paris's fans...

I'll spare you a picture of inmate #3947825 herself as this chicken-scratch letter is funny enough. Apparently the airhead heiress dropped out of school before they covered the "i" before "e" except after "c" rule and sentence fragments. And check out the gag-worthy hearts above the i's in her signature. I always hated those girls who dotted their i's with hearts or smiley faces.

If Paris wants to maximize her time in jail and get the most out of it, she should start a fight out in the yard. If she stabbed another inmate with a shiv, she would come out of jail with all kinds of street cred.


  1. I would still bang her, I just wouldn't call her back...ever. I would like to see her in a three way brawl with Trump and Rosie. To make it fair, she would get a baseball bat, he would get brass knuckles and Rosie would get...nothing.

  2. Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

  3. Ed,
    You are HILARIOUS! I think the smile will last all day.

  4. We should get a pool going on how many salads Paris tossed in the pokey. I would pay to see that.

  5. I am disgusted by Paris Hilton too. But, do you really think spelling one word wrong proves anything and is anything to gloat about? Apparently you do. Good grief.

    In your glee to mock her spelling, you missed out on the basic humanity contained in her letter. I don't expect or even want you to feel sympathy for her, but you really don't have to be a jerk about the letter.
