Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dereliction of duty in the Senate

The Senate just voted 64-35 to advance the disastrous and un-American shamnesty bill that would immediately upon Bush's signature, legalize 12-20 million illegal aliens. As soon as those millions of non-English speakers are legal citizens, a whole new wave of millions more will literally pour over the border, motivated by the promise of citizenship in the next amnesty bill. Democrats are delighted today, as this bill would create millions of new wards of the State, as most of these illegals would immediately qualify for, and would surely take advantage of, taxpayer-funded public assistance. That translates into millions of new democrat welfare voters. They may never lose another election.

This travesty of a sham of a mockery of a sham of a bill does absolutely nothing to address the wide open border across which those new millions will flood.

You think "Press 1 for English" is annoying? Wait until this shamnesty bill gets by. The U.S. will officially become a nation of tribes who have different cultures and languages. It will be Americans who have to adapt and conform to their ways rather than them to ours. And our Congress and Pres. Bush will have been responsible for ushering in the age of multi-culturalism that will destroy the national identity. If you don't contact your representatives and assure them of the electoral peril they face if they pass this awful bill, you will have been complicit in the ruin of America as we know it. Go to this website and place a call to your representatives if they voted yes on cloture today. Tell them how disappointed you are and that you will work against him in the next election if he votes for the shamnesty bill.

The verminous Harry Reid loathes all that is right and good about America.


  1. We need Teddy Roosevelt not Kennedy, not Bush.

    Words from Teddy "the Rough Rider" Roosevelt:

    The foreign-born population of this country must be an Americanized population - no other kind can fight the battles of America either in war or peace. It must talk the language of its native-born fellow-citizens, it must possess American citizenship and American ideals. It must stand firm by its oath of allegiance in word and deed and must show that in very fact it has renounced allegiance to every prince, potentate, or foreign government...

    The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English-Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian-Americans or Italian-Americans, each preserving its separate nationality, each at heart feeling more sympathy with Europeans of that nationality, than with the other citizens of the American Republic...

    The third sense in which the word "Americanism" may be employed is with reference to the Americanizing of the newcomers to our shores. We must Americanize them in every way- in speech, in political ideas and principles, and in their way of looking at relations between church and state. We welcome the German and the Irishman who becomes an American. We have no use for the German or Irishman who remains such. We do not wish German-Americans and Irish-Americans who figure as such in our social and political life; we want only Americans...There are certain ideals he must give up...He must revere only our flag, not only must it come first, but no other flag should even come second...Above all, the immigrant must learn to talk and think and BE the United States...

    Pres. Ford used to say "boy, do we need scouting". I say "boy, do we need leaders".

  2. David, I only wish there were a couple of legislators who thought that way. Duncan Hunter, maybe Tancredo, comes close and maybe a few others but they are disappointingly silent when they should be front and center. Of course the hispanic-friendly media won't put them on (or of they do, it's as extreme right-wing haters).

    The odds are against the American way of life I'm afraid. These sell-out republicans and verminous democrats don't care about anything but getting re-elected. That's what's so weird. Only about 20% of Americans, as of the latest poll, support the shamnesty bill in it's current form.

    I hope every one of these bums gets kicked out on his ass the first time he comes up for re-election.

  3. Teddy R. has more to say about American citizenship including the responsibilities of the elected "leaders" who are also citizens. More later, maybe.

    Right now I'm saddened by what see as the end of a great nation...at least certainly a way of life.

  4. And another thing; Ed, I would discontinue the use of the "immigration" tags for posts on this subject. It is in no way a debate on immigration...it is an invasion(!) of illegal aliens.

    In this case, immigration implies legality where none exists.

  5. Good point. With this issue front and center, it probably needs an accurate tag...maybe "the colonization of America" or "La Raza update" or "La Conquistadore" or "invasion"....whichever, they all make me sick.
