Friday, March 23, 2007

Of all the subversive, politically correct ideas that government schools cram down the throats of our children, this one takes the cake for stupidity...

DAY OF SILENCE, April 18, 2007: The Day of Silence is an annual event held to commemorate and protest anti-LGBT bullying, harassment and discrimination in schools. Students and teachers nationwide will observe the day in silence to echo the silence that LGBT and ally students face everyday. In it's 11th year, the Day of Silence is one of the largest student-led actions in the country.

Look, I'm not in favor of mistreating anybody. Mistreatment should be punished appropriately whether the subject of the mistreatment is gay or straight. This is another example of the public school system (which by definition is the federal government) indoctrinating your children with liberal ideology by forcing them to embrace the gay lifestyle. If you go to the Day of Silence website, you'll find buttons and T-shirts encouraging sympathy for the gay lifestyle...buttons and T-shirts that teachers should encourage students to wear to show solidarity with their gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered class-mates.

Since when is whining and moaning about the occasional mistreatment of gays in schools considered learning? Kids get mistreated all the time for any variety of reasons. It's part of the growing up process. If nutty, moonbat parents want to indoctrinate their own kids with this stream-of-consciousness drivel about the gay lifestyle, fine, but it shouldn't be forced on them by teachers in the government schools.

Moonbats...I swear!

1 comment:

  1. I for one will tell my children to request a day off if this is observed at their school. This country is so spineless, that eventually kids will be forced to endure all kinds of hogwash that will help rot, not stimulate their minds. Schools are for basic learning, they are not forums for belief idealogies, they are not platforms for "teachers" to push their political views on the kids, and they are not a venue to spew alternative lifestyle rhetoric- alleging that this is acceptable to mainstream America. This lifestyle is not at all acceptable to the masses, hence the name of alternative lifestyle.

    I hope that some extremely right wing ecumenical group gets wind of this and starts suing school systems to have their day of prayer observed, or better yet starts demanding that prayer and the pledge of allegiance start being reinstated in federally funded, state financed, county aided, and city controlled public schools. Then maybe the weirdos will all go off to private institutions and celebrate together.

    By the way, how does one teach students effectively without talking? Is this a needed day off for our overworked teaching union memebers. How do students get needed help without verbal communication? Are we now asking students to learn sign language to be able to communicate on this day? What about our non-english speaking students? What about those in the system who cannot move limbs or don't have limbs? What if there is a fire , tornado, water pipe leak, 2 6 grade students having sex in the classroom? Many questions that have and will not be dealt with. I say talk away and don't have a day honoring these "people".
